Born and stayed in St. Petersburg, Florida, I’ve always loved where I lived and found it to be my own personal paradise. As I went to USF for college, I worked for the Tampa Bay Rays, and was awarded a 2008 American League Championship ring (which was later stolen). After college, I got and built an impressive career in the insurance industry over the next decade.

I slowly died throughout that decade. There were ups and downs. I got engaged, had my beautiful daughter, got promoted multiple times. Got married. Had back surgery, had my son. Got separated. Tried marijuana for the first time. Accidentally quit my job. Got hired at a new company. Finalized divorce. Got promoted multiple times. Tried to kill myself (didn’t). Wrote first screenplay concept. Quit my job, got a new job, decided that career was an emotional blackhole. Started doing standup comedy and a podcast. Quit job. Started website

In the end, my “midlife” crisis led me to seek answers. I wanted to find the life I wanted to live, instead of living a life that gave me enough currency to afford to survive. I am a late bloomer for someone trying to do comedy, but that also gives me life experience that I hope to use well to make other people laugh.

My goal is to get some of the cinematic writings of mine to see the screen. But I also have grown to love standup and podcasting as a way to help find my voice and bolster my writing. Comedy is the thing that might be able to save this upside world; and I hope I’m part of the solution.

I was a bit drunk and had eaten a good amount of edibles before I wrote this. So it may seem sappy, but let be do me man!

Jeff Macolino
Mr Dog Poop

Mr Dog Poop is famous his dog poop business which made him a dog poop millionaire.

Tired of picking up dog poop, he decided to become a social media influencer which sounds good, but is not really something you can achieve easily when you are a washed up dog poop salesman. Nonetheless, he is giving it a shot  with multiple channels from comedy to how to fix shit.

And here is another try at instant success piggybacking of a big celebrity like Jeff Macolino to get into live broadcasting and sharing his experiences and knowledge with listeners daily.
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