Mr. Dog Poop: The silent movies were invented back when I was a child. We used to go, yeah, the silent movies, that was great.
Jeff: I think I'd have a hard time following those.
Mr. Dog Poop: The thing is, there's a guy up in the top of the movie theatre, and he's cranking that camera to play it. So they would go faster or slower, depending on how fast he was cranking it.
Jeff: Interesting.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, definitely.
Jeff: All right. I'm going to make my first pass at trying to do what I probably should have been doing this whole time.
Mr. Dog Poop: So I like these kits. I mean, this is my realm. Electrical engineering. Of course, my electrical engineering was vacuum tubes and long before transistors and IC chips and microprocessors and cell phones. As I said, that's the CB for my first car, which was, a 1929 Model A that you had to crank the start.
Jeff: No, almost just dropped the whole thing. That would've probably not ended well.
Mr. Dog Poop: Is your soldering iron plugged in?
Jeff: It is.
Mr. Dog Poop: Is it hot?
Jeff: Well, I'm not going to touch it.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, you can see if it--
Jeff: Is there a way to check?
Mr. Dog Poop: Does it melt the solder? Put the--
Jeff: The red light is On.
Mr. Dog Poop: You got solder there. Well, what's the temp? There's a temperature gauge on it. You have to turn that all the way up. So there's a temperature.
Jeff: You gotta turn it all the way to 450 degrees Celsius, I don't think it's heated up yet.
Mr. Dog Poop: I actually had mine at, I think two. I don't know what I had it at.
Jeff: How going at 350? I don't think it's heated up yet. For safety purposes, I think I'm going to have to do this below the camera.
Mr. Dog Poop: Do it so we can see
Jeff: I'll pick it up. Once it's hotter there's not anything I need to press. Right. It's just once it's on, it should be good. Once it's hot, right?
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, once it's hot take the solder. You see the little solder stuff and touch it to it and see if it melts it. So put it on there and it should melt.
Jeff: Oh, it's starting to smell.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's good. Also, I want to point out, for people like me, you are going to need a magnifying glass to read this crap and see these. These things Literally, this, I can't even pick it up. It's so small. This diode.
Jeff: All right. It's it hot, hot enough that it hurts, but it didn't burn me severely.
Mr. Dog Poop: This diode is so small, you can't even, it just looks like a piece of wire.
Jeff: Come on, get together here. I've got great eyesight. And this is a challenge.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, enjoy it while you have it, Jeff. Cause in a couple years it's going to be gone.
Jeff: My liver will fail before my eyes.
Mr. Dog Poop: I doubt it. But you can keep dreaming, keep dreaming.
Jeff: It's kind of a race. I'm like a living science experiment. What will happen First? Liver failure or bad eyesight.
Mr. Dog Poop: How many episodes you think you'll survive through right now? Because we got, you got a contract with The Man Show. And I'm thinking based on all the injuries you've had and what we have coming up next week,
Jeff: I'm thinking I'll make it to the deep fryer.
Mr. Dog Poop: Make it to the deep fryer.
Jeff: That'll probably be when this brand new St Petersburg studio goes up in flames. I think I'll get a little cocky.
Mr. Dog Poop: I love the brand new studio. Love the brand new studio. But you need to elevate your table so we can see what you're doing.
Jeff: Yeah. The, the camera's too heavy to swing it down--
Mr. Dog Poop: You didn't have to get a freaking $20,000 professional camera in your studio. You could have just got a little hand one that you hold up.