Beer & MRE's - Eating Expired Government Issued Meals Ready To Eat and Giving our Reactions LIVE! Page-11

Beer & MRE's - Eating Expired Government Issued Meals Ready To Eat and Giving our Reactions LIVE!

Page Number:11

Mr. Dog Poop: No, Fat Chris is my secret eating weapon. Fat Chris is my secret eating weapon. And we have an employee here that said that they could eat more than Fat Chris on apple pie. So, I set up a contest with a full giant apple pie for each of them tied their hands behind their back. And before the other guy even got his head down to eat it, Chris's pie was gone. It's gone.

Jeff: Yeah. We'll have to discuss terms. It can't be something sweet, you know, because I obviously monitor closely what I put in my body.

Mr. Dog Poop: Fat Chris eat anything that falls off the roof, anything falling off the sky, he runs around catching food out of exploding refrigerators, so, he's not really picky.

Glen: Left over for blind people.

Mr. Dog Poop: Blind napkins.

Jeff: Chris should be in that the hotdog eating competition.

Mr. Dog Poop: I know where they take those hotdogs and just stuff them. No rules, nothing. Just they have eggs and hotdogs. Now Jeff's going to win the scrap the hardboiled egg competition where you just stick. You're just like, blah, blah, just downing eggs. Chris will lose. Chris will win the hot dog competition where you just take the hot dogs and you're just stuffing them down because he's going to be pooping them out as fast as he's putting them in. You know, he's a big guy and he's going to be like shoving them in his mouth and as he's shoving them in his mouth. They're going to be coming out the other ends.

Jeff: Yeah. See, I can't do that to hotdogs, man. Like, that's my thing. It's grotesque to see these guys. I'm like, man, you got to at least gimme some chili and some mustard, some onions. You know, I love a good hotdog, but yeah, I need toppings on it.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's a man meal in any occasion. Tell me why we don't have a freeze-dried hot dog here.

Glen: I mean, hot dogs are just kind of.

Jeff: I mean you literally could just take a pack and just start eating them.

Mr. Dog Poop: Let's face it guys. This is sissy food. Chicken alfredo. Chicken fried rice. We want man food. Like

Glen: Like a nice sausage jambalaya.

Mr. Dog Poop: Or fried wings or potato, veggies or something. Right. You know, something that many something fried out of a bar.

Jeff: Why don't they have a freeze-dried pizza I can eat.

Mr. Dog Poop: Freeze-Dried pizza would be great. So, this is just, I think this is girly food. I don't think we should review this stuff anymore because this just doesn't fit into the Man Show. It really doesn't.

Glen: I mean, I do think, to be fair, if I'm building a bomb shelter, I'm buying on piece.

Mr. Dog Poop: If you're building a bomb shelter in Florida.

Glen: Not the chicken fried rice.

Mr. Dog Poop: Not the chicken fried rice. I vote out the scrambled eggs. But they do have dried fruit dried, blueberries and they have dried peppers and onions and just generally maybe 20 years ago when I still have jars of sauce that I'm eating today. Right. I mean, it's going to be, hopefully I don't outlive the supply she left me, but it's better than this stuff.

Glean: Freeze dried meatballs.

Mr. Dog Poop: But I'm going to say, Jeff, I wish you had plates like this set out so we could see how much you had eaten.

Jeff: My eggs are almost empty.

Mr. Dog Poop: Your eggs are empty.

Jeff: Almost. My alfredo is just water basically on the bottom.

Mr. Dog Poop: Wow.

Jeff: I ate a lot.

Mr. Dog Poop: You ate a lot.

Jeff: I didn't want to die on camera.

Glen: He's carving up. He is got to get ready Super Bowl weekend, man.

Mr. Dog Poop: Superbowl weekend. He's got to be for Sunday.

Jeff: Oh yeah, yeah. I hope Phil. Well, I was going to say, I hope Philadelphia burns, but they're going to burn whether they win or lose.