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Mr. Dog Poop: So, there's oxygen in this. I'm going to light the candle. I'm going to put this candle over here. I'm going to put it in here and it's going to suck. It's lifting up because it burned off the oxygen in here and it sucked up the water by displacement. It's science. Kids, it's sciences.

Jeff: Science kids.

Mr. Dog Poop: Science.

Jeff: Breaking Bad reference too. Sorry, I should have taken my glasses and hat off for that. It’s science bitch.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, there's 30 experiments here. It's not groundbreaking. I mean, we don't know what these effervescent tablets do. We know we can't eat them, or we're not supposed. Do you want to try to eat them? They might taste like gum. I don't know.

Jeff: Oh, it’s tablets.

Mr. Dog Poop: In the interest of educating your kids, I want to say this kit was under $25. Not huge. Three years old. I don't know how they're going to read these cards. This is almost like doing magic for three-year-olds.

Jeff: Very much the parents are going to walk their children through every goddamn experiment.

Mr. Dog Poop: And get yourself a magnifying glass because it is small writing.

Jeff: Unless you've got great vision like I do.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I remember having a chemistry kit as a kid, maybe at five years old. And we had litmus paper and we did all kinds of, they were all toxic chemicals. Like these are all, you know, calcium lactate, water absorbing resin. These are just non-toxic chemicals. We used to have like hydrochloric acid and stuff in the chemistry kits. So, they've changed. Yeah, they've changed a lot over the years. You could literally make meth out of a chemistry kit from the seventies, but you can't do crap out of this. It's baking soda, citric acid, rainbow sugar.

Jeff: Wait, making meth out of this kit sounds great..

Mr. Dog Poop: This looks delicious. Wait, this is rainbow sugar, dude. This looks like Skittles or something.

Jeff: Does that one say do not eat?

Mr. Dog Poop: It says do not eat, but I'm tempted. I'm tempted. It says do not eat.

Jeff: Oh my God, it's absolutely candy.

Mr. Dog Poop: It’s candy.

Jeff: Fat Chris is salivating.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. If I was three years old, I'd be eating that. So, I'm going to say not for three-year-olds. Maybe five, maybe six. Bunch of experiments here. Lot of lab supplies. We got little pipe headers. I don't know what goes into this. I don't know why there's a thumb tack here and a paper towel and effervescent tablets.

Jeff: What’s the thumb tack for?

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I mean, you got to find it. There's discoloration, color relay, lost weight. Jeff, what's the volcanic eruption? Effervescent. Oh, sorry. 10 milliliters of water. 30 milliliters of edible oil. What's edible oil?

Jeff: Olive oil.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, is there edible oil? I didn't see edible oil in here.

Jeff: Hey, Jesse, let's cook.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, you may need some outside resources. Blow the balloon by water. Hot and cold water. Do not mix. Starch meets iodine, candle absorbs water. Rainbow sugar, Ferris wheel, vegetable dressing. Magical discolor. You know what, for $25, $20, I think it was maybe $20. If you got a five year old, you want to get them interested in science and seeing different things and you can work with them. Probably not that bad. Probably not that bad.

Jeff: Science sucks.

Mr. Dog Poop: Science sucks. I give it a thumbs up. Except for the cards. This is not something your kids are going to pick up these cards and do the experiments. You're going to have to work with them. I mean, as you can see, Jeff couldn't do it once again. Jeff, I'm looking forward to your plane on Friday to see if it can match up to my P 51 Mustang.

Jeff: Hi. I'm going to fly it to India. We'll see how good fiber is.

Mr. Dog Poop: Tomorrow we are going to be talking about or we are going to be building solar robots. We're going to be on a little late because your kid is playing football or football practice. We're going to be on seven o'clock, and we are building solar robots. I don't know what that is. Can't be any worse than this.