Jeff: Yeah. I'll hang with you because I'm going to finish this taco lasagna.
Mr. Dog Poop: We're just going to keep going. Chris, can you bring up the chat on like Twitch, on YouTube and Twitch. See if anything's going on in there. So, this was a mix. This was just the Gordon's Foods. I want to take my time now because we're trying to get through an hour and honestly that sucked. Trying to work on time.
Jeff: Yeah. The time goes way too fast.
Mr. Dog Poop: It goes way too fast when you're trying to do something.
Jeff: Yeah. And we're just trying to not to panic the whole time. Not really thinking about anything except trying to get the, you know.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm going to try this. I'm going to try one of these Hooter's wings.
Jeff: That's trash. That's trash.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going in overhead shot. He's giving me a thumbs up. So, we got the hush puppies cooking, the Hooter’s wings. No, this isn’t going to do it. It's bland. Doesn't have a lot of flavor. Doesn't taste like Hooter’s at all. I don't know what the hell this is. Fat Chris said it was good.
Jeff: No, they can't sell the good stuff in the store. You won't go to the restaurant.
Mr. Dog Poop: Apparently. Fat Chris, can you come over and taste one of these? Take the whole plate. Take them. I mean, you told me they were good, right? Are they good? They're not good. I'm not a fan. I'm not a fan.
Jeff: No.
Mr. Dog Poop: No, not a fan. Oh, my goodness.
Jeff: I always thought it was hilarious when I go through Uber Eats and I see Hooters on there.
Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to pay Hooter's prices for delivery?
Jeff: That exactly. That and Kobe steakhouse, the hibachi place, where they cook in front of you.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah.
Jeff: It's like what? You're paying the same price to have some dude pull up in his Toyota Corolla and put it at the doorstep.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah.
Jeff: Yeah. I don't really get the logic there.
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, I don't order Uber Eats.
Jeff: I mean, they must get business if they're on there, I guess.
Mr. Dog Poop: But then again, I have every cooking appliance known to man that we reviewed. So, we don't really have to worry about it.
Jeff: I'm usually too drunk to use cooking appliances.
Mr. Dog Poop: Alright, let see, find another plate. I'm running on plates. Oh, I got this sandwich from Fat Chris. We made the sandwich. Now it should be cooled down. Get Fat Chris to try this. This is his breakfast sandwich. So, he had one this morning without the breading, without the frying. Yeah. Better? I don't see it. Alright, so we got some hush puppies here. Uh-oh. Oh, this is muck. They look, oh, hot. Alright, so what's our next thing that we're going to fry? Oh. We had chicken fried steak. Let's try pork fried steak. So, I need some things in here, so I don't know if to get my hands dirty. So, we got some pork. We're going to put it in batter. This is super deluxe pork. It was like 8.99 a pound for some pork shit. Like what the fuck. Seriously, man.
Jeff: Yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know how people can afford to eat. They're like an eighth of an inch thick just to make some pork. Shake it up in the bag with bread crumbs and we're going to make chicken fried pork. They had some almost bacon bacon that I was going to buy, but I wasn't digging it.
Jeff: Almost bacon bacon?
Mr. Dog Poop: It was like the side of the pig, and it had the skin on it. It looked like bacon, but it wasn't bacon,
Jeff: But it was shaped like a pig?
Mr. Dog Poop: The side of the pig. It had the side of the pig. But you know, I feel like if I'm going to buy bacon, it should be bacon. Alright. This is a mess. We have made a complete mess. Alright, Mr. Dog Poop needs a three-minute break. We'll just keep watching my deep fryer. Hopefully, it doesn't start on fire before I get back. It's got pork in it, and I have to wash up this.