Deep Fry Friday Page-2

Deep Fry Friday

Page Number:2

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to go ahead and grab some oil.

Jeff: There's a minimum fill line and a maximum fill line. Here, I'll add a teeny bit more. I think that’s enough.

Mr. Dog Poop: Alright. So, I am starting to pour some oil in. Now my complaint is that the oil is super expensive. Oh, I'm spilling it all over the place. Alright. So, there's one $25 jug. We got to go get some more.

Jeff: Let's see if you can see this spill line here with this handy dandy camera. You can kind of see it. There's the max line there. Yeah, we're stepping things up. I got a handheld camera here today too.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, you're used to holding things in your hand, so that should be really comfortable for you.

Jeff: He said to stop jerking off during the shows. Use my free hand for camera work. You know what? I don't disagree.

Mr. Dog Poop: I am filling to the fill line. I don't know. Last time I filled it all the way up and it seemed to work pretty good.

Jeff: Yeah. I'm wondering how deep. It doesn't seem very deep. I'm going to add a little more because I was a little below the max line, but that was the max line.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, I got to get some power to mine.

Jeff: Alright, well, here we go. I'm ready to start cooking. I got my oil heating up. I'm putting it at 360. Get things started. I already gave you a sneak peek of what I was going to be doing today. So, it's going to take some time for me to get this going. I am going to make mashed potato balls, fry them and stuff some of them with different things. I should probably be wearing gloves, but instead I'm just going to use my bare hands. And I'm going to going to try to form one, like a meatball and see how it goes.

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, I'm having problems here figuring this out. Definitely having problems here. Trying to figure out how to cook this stuff.

Jeff: Alright, let then try one. There we go. So, after one, I've got about half of it on my hands, so that's a good start.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right, Jeff, I'm going to work on trying to get this cord, so it doesn't keep pulling off.

Jeff: That's what she said. Something. By the way, these are just little bit of salt, butter and garlic in these mashed potatoes. I think I'm going to try to make the balls first, and then I'm going to stuff them after I've rolled them out.

Mr. Dog Poop: You can't see this. You can't see this. But I'm using duct tape to tape the cord because it’s the short cord, I'm using the duct tape to try to tape it down, so it doesn't fall apart. But hopefully it holds up.

Jeff: And Ms. Mustards told me that duct tape pretty much takes care of everything.

Mr. Dog Poop: My hand is stuck to the duct tape, and I can't get it off.

Jeff: By the way, I've made many meatballs in my day. They're a lot easier to form than mashed potatoes. If this fails, I'm going to blame my friends who gave me this recipe by name. If not, he will not get recognition on this show.

Mr. Dog Poop: Alright, Jeff. So, this thing has a temperature control. That's it, right? So, we just turn it up to 375. Is that the desired temperature? What do you have yours set out?

Jeff: I think it depends on the item, but I think it's probably best to go ahead and heat it up to that, right?

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know. You're the deep fry expert.

Jeff: Yeah, I did cook that one time with a deep fryer. These are my hands right now.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm moving this out, yeah, so we can see this. It's probably going to splash all over my phone. I'm going to maybe move it this way. Still on. Great. So, I got some batter here with the flour and water. I have some pancake mix. Oh, my goodness. We've got Hooter's wings. Hooter's wings. For those of you that don't have Hooter’s. Who doesn't have a Hooter’s? Is Hooter’s in every state? Probably.