Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE! Page-12

Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE!

Page Number:12

Mr. Dog Poop: And you made an all-cheese sandwich, which was delicious without the sandwich.

Jeff: Right. It did give me a great oozy concoction. In the other, it says in the directions, one of the things I saw, can cook only one, it doesn't need two. Now if there were two, would've been some great little, you know, intercourse, going between the sandwiches. But the last, I only had one on.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I had intercourse. I had different sandwiches on here. I had racial mixing of sandwiches.

Jeff: Oh, well good for you. Progressive. I haven't had intercourse in a few months.

Mr. Dog Poop: Because you don't brush your teeth, Jeff.

Jeff: I was just hoping the hot cheese would drip on further inwards on my lap. It's just burning my knee.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, I get it. You're trying to drip stuff on your lap so you can go to the hospital and have the nurses fix your burns.

Jeff: No, I just want something other than my own hands playing. Yeah. You get where I'm going?

Mr. Dog Poop: I just said it.

Jeff: Oh, hot wax is just as fine. A nurse is great but a hot wax.

Mr. Dog Poop: You get hot wax every week?

Jeff: I mean, you got to do what you got to do to stay sexy.

Mr. Dog Poop: You get a Brazilian?

Jeff: I have to pay a Brazilian for Brazilian to sleep with me.

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff doesn't know what a Brazilian is. Okay.

Jeff: I know what a Brazilian wax is.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's it for another episode of the Man Show. We're going to see you tomorrow with the air fryer. We're going to fry up some shit.

Jeff: And we're not going to burn ourselves, I bet.

Mr. Dog Poop: There's no way we're going to burn ourselves. There's no way we're going to burn ourselves. It's impossible. And you know, stop betting on that people in the chat.

Jeff: Can we take a cut? I feel like we should.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. I feel like we should get a cut.

Jeff: We should do the intro live. That actually like our own little FanDuel.

Mr. Dog Poop: We should be able to bet on ourselves. What the hell was this thing? Does anybody know what this was?

Jeff: Pepperoni hot dog. No eggs. There's eggs. There's a really black egg on there.

Mr. Dog Poop: There's something on here that we're going to try to feed to Fat Chris after the show. It doesn't look good. Yeah, it really doesn't look good. That's it for another Man Show. We'll see you tomorrow six o'clock for another cooking episode.