Jeff: If the parents are uninformed and the children are not being treated properly, there is an issue. But with the information from the comments of they were as young as 13 and they were working in slaughter, I would've rather worked in the slaughterhouse during the winter than in a construction site in the Florida summer. I'll tell you that much.
Mr. Dog Poop: Florida summer is bad.
Jeff: Oh my God, I thought I was going to die.
Mr. Dog Poop: Back to Tennessee. You know, we got whiskey fungus, and they're eliminating drag shows. So, Tennessee government is eliminating drag shows. They have Governor Bill Lee has vowed to sign into law, can't have drag shows.
Jeff: Is there more to this story? Is there more to the story? Because that's the question. Are you talking about drag shows for children or are you talking about drag?
Mr. Dog Poop: Kids can't go to drag shows, can they?
Jeff: Oh, see, you're not watching the news. That's a big issue. They're having kindergarten, drag queen story hours in some places.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, that sounds great. That sounds great. That sounds great. Here's a whole bunch of drag people protesting it.
Jeff: Well, yeah, drag shows are actually a fun time.
Mr. Dog Poop: Transgender youth in Tennessee would be banned from receiving gender affirming. Oh, that's a whole other thing. They're doing everything in Tennessee to get rid of transgenders. All right, let's talk about heterosexuals. Let's take another sip of whiskey. Let's talk about heterosexuals. This is important. Young men are single, most women are not. So more than 60% of young men are single nearly twice the rate of unattached women. So, we got a severe disparity here in relationships between men and women. Doesn't surprise me. I mean, women, you know, it's easy. They get on Twitch or Instagram, and they got instant boyfriends.
Jeff: Oh, so wait, so you're saying young men are single, young women are not.
Mr. Dog Poop: Correct. Most young women are not. Young women are dating older men. I don't know. That's an interesting, actually, that's pretty interesting.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, this has been going on for a few years now, especially during the pandemic. And nobody has any social skills anymore. They don’t date. They have to meet someone on an app.
Jeff: Yeah, it's the worst.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, they go on an app, and they find some girl with 5 million followers, and they chase her around trying to become their boyfriend with 5 million other guys instead of actually meeting a real person. And they have no social skills. And I think we should do a week of training young men how to interact with girls. I don't think they know how to do it because it's become a serious problem. There's been a lot of studies and now we have 60% of men, they're twice the rate of unattached as young women. So, you only have 30% of women unattached, and you have 60% of men which don't have girlfriends.
Jeff: Yeah. I don't know. I don't have the answer as a single guy. I'm not young.
Mr. Dog Poop: Maybe you can go out next week and you can interview people, young people on the street and ask them this question. That would be a good, get out there and do a man on the street and ask people how they feel about that.
Jeff: Pretty young women I see. Are you single?
Mr. Dog Poop: There you go. That should work up.
Jeff: You want to talk about percentages being off? I'll ask a lot more females than men.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, it is the Man Show. I mean, it stands for reason.
Jeff: Yeah. We've had in depth discussions actually about this. Is that, you know, some guys are much more charming in person than they are in apps. And I think that's part of the problem is, there was a statistic, I should look this up. This is actually a good future Man Show subject. There was a statistic that I want to say between one to 5% of all the men using, like Tinder got like 95% of the dates because they're the hot ones. And they just run through women like they're objects. They're piece of the garbage dudes. They’re hot, so they're just getting laid all the time. The other 95% of men get nothing or get the leftovers or get the 5%, the rest of the women when they've been used by the other 5%. It is a problem with culture.