Jeff: Well, it's a good story. Keep playing the hits, man.
Mr. Dog Poop: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. To be successful putting something together. You know how many years people tried to fly before the Wright brothers were able to do it? And when you look back at the technology and you're like, what, these people idiots because it was so simple, and the concept is so simple now that we know what it is.
Jeff: It doesn't seem so simple to me.
Mr. Dog Poop: Not this but flying the Wright Brothers airplane.
Jeff: I have to imagine building that plane was a lot harder. But in fairness, not like, let's do it in an hour.
Mr. Dog Poop: They didn't do it in an hour.
Jeff: After the Wright Brothers took longer to build their airplane.
Mr. Dog Poop: Wasn't it human powered? Was it human powered?
Jeff: I was in Kitty Hawk, right? That's the name of the place.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's the place. You know, people have different ideas. Kids need to be creative. I love this stuff. We're going to continue on all week. What do we got on the schedule for tomorrow?
Jeff: Oh hell, if I know.
Mr. Dog Poop: What do we got on the schedule Fat Chris?
Jeff: Paper airplanes.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, chemistry. We got chemistry kit. Oh yes, you're in Mr. Dog Poop's domain. Mr. Dog Poop is a chemical scientist. I do DNA n testing on dog poop. We're not going to put any dog poop out here. That's only when we drink stuff. We're not going to use any dog poop in the science kit. We're going to do science experiments tomorrow. That should be great.
Jeff: Oh yeah. I'm looking forward.
Mr. Dog Poop: And Jeff, please finish your plane and show us tomorrow what you've built. And it's okay to let your kid do it.
Jeff: Yeah. I'll show you by the end of the week.
Mr. Dog Poop: Let your kid do it and then bring it out. Well, that's it for another episode.
Jeff: The plane will come back.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's it for another episode of The Man Show. Will see you tomorrow, six o'clock eastern time and we're going to be doing some chemistry experiments.