Jeff: Yeah. See, I don't think there, I don't know how many eggs go to the supermarket if it have chickens in inside of them. My, my guess is very, very little
Mr. Dog Poop: No, they all have chickens in them.
Jeff: No, they're chicken menstrual cycles.
Mr. Dog Poop: They're chickens.
Jeff: No, they're chicken.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's why they have a date. That's why they have an expiration date on them. If you keep them past the expiration date, they're going to hatch. I know this because the kid, I took a dozen eggs, put it under my bed. And they all hatched in the chickens. And that's when I became a chicken farmer
Jeff: I wasn't sure if you really believed it or you were sticking to the fifth there for a second.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm sticking to the fifth. I'm just like, Trump.
Jeff: I respect it.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm just like, Trump. Same answer. Same answer. Fifth. I'm pleading the fifth. All right, we're going to try the Mylar bag on a chicken egg. I'm not seeing any action.
Jeff: Does not appear. No.
Mr. Dog Poop: There is air coming out the bottom? Nothing happening here. Definitely blowing air, but I think it's more of a, it sounds more like a fish tank pump than a vacuum Sealer
Jeff: [Inaudible35:49 ]
Mr. Dog Poop: He wants to watch the chicken hatch.
Jeff: It would be an MRE. I think he's right.
Mr. Dog Poop: This is not good. This is not good for Bonsen chicken. Now it's sealed, but it did not take any air out.
Jeff: You know what else I realized is a, a, a real good device to test. Next we should do vacuum cleaners or jet engines on a talk show that that's a good .
Mr. Dog Poop: I think a jet engine would be good.
Jeff: We just screamed loudly at each other without knowing what,
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I don't know if I'm missing something. So let me bring over a-- this is an impulse sealer again, you want to be ready for the zombie apocalypse? And let me plug this in also. It's
Jeff: Feet kicked up. I've got my long distance straw here.
Mr. Dog Poop: You got your long distance straw that came in the zombie toolkit.
Jeff: I might give away the vacuum sealer, but I will keep this.
Mr. Dog Poop: So this is a professional impulse sealer, and I will use this to seal bags. And this will seal like a five gallon bag. So this is just, you put this on here, hold it down, and that seals it. I have less air in this bag than I do in this bag. And all I did was seal it. So I'm going to show you these. These are oxygen absorbers. Do not microwave. So these are little packets that you can put in the bag that will absorb the oxygen. And if you put it in and seal it, it'll absorb all the oxygen in the bag. So it's neat.
Jeff: I've never heard of those.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yep. Those are necessary for the zombie survival. They're not expensive. You can get 'em in packs and they're based on the size of the bag, and you put it in the bag and it'll actually, over time, it'll just suck all, it'll just burn all the oxygen out of it. So these are actually more effective than this thing. We gotta be doing something wrong. There's no way this thing is this bad.
Jeff: No, no, no. We're, we're definitely, it's definitely user error. There's no doubt.
Mr. Dog Poop: No, there's no way. There's no way we're that stupid.
Jeff: I think there's,
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, I got vacuum. I got sealers here. I got sealers here. I make my own bags. Look at this. Boom sealed. Now I really want to get the egg out of this bag, but I don't have anything to cut it out. Couple dollars for that egg.
Jeff: You can ship it. Charge someone like one Bitcoin.