Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories Page-13

Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories

Page Number:13

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, the guy hoping to get his drug dealer arrested and then he got arrested because the meth.

Jeff:Yeah. Well, look, if our glorious leader and, and king ruler of the world, Ron DeSantis is walking , it's kind of like a sacrifice that someone like Ant Man made. And I feel like I would be great in the universe with Ant Man not as Antman. Because Paul Rudd really tiny, but I could be somewhat.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right, so--

Jeff: Thank you Ron. 

Mr. Dog Poop: We got this guy over here, Florida. Man tells deputies he vapes THC to prepare himself for the return of Jesus.

Jeff: Well, I mean, I believe in vaping THC the return of Jesus. Why? That's a hard one to defend. I mean, you, you should just vape THC so you're cool, not cool, like I'm cool cause I'm vaping no, but vaping THC gives you a nice mellow.