Jeff: I love the three acts there. Of course, we don't get the first part, which is what circumstance led to him on the windshield.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to assume that the guy in the truck probably has some Taco Bell or something, and the other guy's a homeless guy and probably wanted it.
Jeff: I don't know, man. The but the first part, the guy on the hoods seems like he's the aggressor. He's trying to break through. The second part, it kind of seemed like he was just along for the ride. Like, he was like, okay, we're cool now. The third part is the truck driver's trying to murder him, basically, and crash his car.
Mr. Dog Poop: The guy's driving on a highway trying to shake him off. The guy's going to fall off, get run over by the truck.
Jeff: Yeah, that definitely looks like attempted murder to me.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's attempted murder.
Jeff: That truck driver's probably not from Florida. So, I have to side with the hood guy.
Mr. Dog Poop: Both sides, right? I mean, the guy's trying to murder him, throw him through the windshield and the truck driver's trying to shake him off and murder him.
Jeff: The truck driver's probably from another state. You know, they drive all over the country. So, he probably did something that garnered the proper response from Florida man. And then the truck driver tried to murder the guy. I mean, I see this as a clear cut. Florida man has no deal.
Mr. Dog Poop: As Florida people, we see this every day. It's snowing in California. They don't have this stuff happening in California, right? Because they got snow.
Jeff: They've got some crazy things going on in California in their homeless encampment. But nobody with any recording device dare step foot in those areas. We might need to send Glen in on location.
Mr. Dog Poop: We might send Glen to that truck. We could strap him to the top of the truck so we could film it.
Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. We'd have to get extra liability insurance if we're sending him in.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, let's not talk about that. All right, We can't afford any more expenses. We just bought two deep fryers for Friday.
Jeff: Deep Fryers.
Mr. Dog Poop: One of them showed up. So, tomorrow, more news, more news articles. We'll see you tomorrow at a regular time, six o'clock. And then 12 o'clock on Friday, noon time, we're going to fry lunch.
Jeff: Eat fry lunch, baby.
Mr. Dog Poop: Eat fry lunch. That's it for another Man Show.