Mr. Dog Poop: Mr. Dog Poop here with Jeff Macolino for the man show. Jeff, episode one is finally here, episode one of the Man Show. Are you ready? Are you ready to be a man?
Jeff Macolino: I’ll try my best I can't promise anything.
Mr. Dog Poop: All right, no little babies running around in the background or dogs. This is about man stuff. We're going to talk about men's issues. Today we're going to review a zombie apocalypse survival kit. You see these on amazon. They're anywhere from thirty to fifty dollars. They have all kinds of tools and we're going to open this up and find out if it's useful to survive or just a gimmick. You got your kit, Jeff?
Jeff Macolino: Oh yeah, I’m ready to be surprised by what’s inside.
Mr. Dog Poop: Let's find out. I got the instruction sheets here so we know what everything is. It says it has a lot of stuff. This was about forty dollars, I think, on amazon. The bag is supposed to be waterproof. So that's the first problem. Bag's supposed to be waterproof. I don't think so. Plus you know there's a hole in the top. You know it's open on the top. So it might shield against rain or something but definitely not waterproof. Try pouring your beer into that and see if… no, I can see holes in it.
Jeff Macolino: I can see the screen through the bag when I put it here. So I don't know if I’d trust this to be waterproof.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I don't think it is. Well, I guess we have a-- this looks like a sheath for an ax. There must be an ax in there.
Jeff Macolino: Okay yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: So this is a ‘n-e-e-v-e-s’. So I don't know if you got the same one that I did because I ordered mine about a year ago. It looks the same but you know chances are over a year they've probably just put different crap in it. Okay, the case is hard to open it looks like it has-- so the case is supposed to be waterproof.
Jeff Macolino: That I believe.
Mr. Dog Poop: I can tell you looking at it, it isn't. There's no rubber seal or anything in it. It’s definitely not waterproof. I wouldn't put it underwater.
Jeff Macolino: I might need to go throw it in the bathtub.
Mr. Dog Poop: You know let's take all the stuff out first and then if you got a big bowl of water just put a bowl of water there and put it in. You know hold it under and see if it actually goes in but my guess is that it's going to go in.
Jeff Macolino: Yeah we'll get that set up here shortly.
Mr. Dog Poop: So what do you got? Talk about what you got in your kit.
Jeff Macolino: First thing I kind of suspected that, the emergency use…
Mr. Dog Poop: Condom?
Jeff Macolino: The little silver blanket. No, I do expect condoms to be in there because you know I want to be banging zombies when the zombie apocalypse happens. Glow sticks. I guess they could come in handy.
Mr. Dog Poop: They light up stuff. So if you were to keep this in your car, I mean the real test is it's probably not going to get you through the zombie apocalypse but if you had it in your car in a glove compartment or your trunk, if you got stranded in the middle of the wilderness; no cell phone, no anything, is this going to help you survive? I mean this is going to give you light for what? A couple of hours, overnight, something.
Jeff Macolino: I thought maybe in case you did ecstasy you could entertain yourself with it.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. I mean actually the documentation, it actually shows, probably you're not going to be able to see it but it shows people partying. So it shows people in a club at a rave or something waving it around.