Building Solar Robots for Kids - STEM Week Continues with Solar Projects Page-8

Building Solar Robots for Kids - STEM Week Continues with Solar Projects

Page Number:8

Mr. Dog Poop: No, they can do this on their own, but you got to understand this as well, Jeff. The numbers are on here, but you can build six different robots, right? Once you cut it out, you don't know what the piece goes to. So, if you want to build another robot, what are you going to do? Put it back? Or are you supposed to write the numbers on these things?

Jeff: That probably would've been a smart move. If you can write them on.

Mr. Dog Poop: The problem is the directions are written in China.

Jeff: Yeah. The problem is the first thing it shows us is to cut these out. you know, if you read the words, but we look at pictures. Come on. What do you read Playboy from the articles?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yes.

Jeff: TrucksR4Me says this video should be required watching for anyone who buys this kit. Sell this to the company.

Mr. Dog Poop: Anybody who buys this kit should watch this video before they try to do it.

Jeff: Yes. Yeah. Before you open it, watch this video.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay.

Jeff: And don't make the same mistakes that we made.

Mr. Dog Poop: Do not cut all the pieces out. Pay careful attention to the numbers. Okay.

Jeff: Oh man.

Mr. Dog Poop: That would make a lot more sense.

Jeff: Yeah. We're getting killed in the comments and deservedly so. Yeah, people are enjoying laughing at us. They're not laughing with us at all on this show. They're laughing at us.

Mr. Dog Poop: Let me see if I can bring BS&Beer! in here on the conversation. This is going to be scary with the phone, but I'm going to try it.

Jeff: If you put me on hold and I'm going to disappear.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to disappear, but we'll get you back. Is anybody there? I think I lost everybody.

Glen: Hi, this Glen. Sorry I missed your call.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, what the heck? Oh, we may not have a phone anymore.

[Phone 46:45 - Press one for more options]

Mr. Dog Poop: I think we lost phone service.

Jeff: Yeah, you just conferenced Glen and I together.

Mr. Dog Poop: I did. Were you talking to him?

Jeff: Yeah, I was just talking to Glen.

Jeff: So, I think you hung up with him now.

Mr. Dog Poop: Alright. So, let me try. Let me see. Conference. Wait, is it the phone to call?

Jeff: You somehow got.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. I see there's a different button. Hold on a second. Let me try this.

Jeff: You think you could do this? No.

Mr. Dog Poop: Let me try this one. Conference. This guy. Oh, wait a minute. Alright, so that's it for another episode of The Man Show. Oh, my goodness. Oh, resume. Anybody there?

Jeff: Hey.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I think I pushed this one. Why is it going to a different extension? Jeff? Hello? Is anybody there? No. Well, oh my goodness. Oh, my goodness. It says no dial plan. So, apparently I haven't paid for my dial plan or something. I don't know. It's saying no dial plan.

Jeff: Oh. Oh man.

Mr. Dog Poop: I almost had to end the show early.

Jeff: Jay Frog says the numbers are on the button. Tomorrow's episode: Conference calls.

Mr. Dog Poop: I just don't think it's me. I think it's this complicated phone system.

Jeff: Oh, Mr. Dog Poop. This is just sad. These are comments. Not me. At least she took all the heat off of me. That was really the goal here.

Mr. Dog Poop: That was the goal. The goal to give Jeff some time to build the robot. Can you show us the robot, Jeff? Is it finished?

Jeff: No, no, I was talking to Glen. Somehow you conferenced me and Glen together and you were not there. So, I was talking to Glen. We were talking.

Mr. Dog Poop: And these are features that my phone doesn't even have. So, I invented this.

Jeff: I've never heard of phone doing that. Yeah. I'm putting two other people together.