Mr. Dog Poop: Mr. Dog Poop here. And as you can hear our correspondence already talking, we got Jeff Macolino, a regular co-host, and we got Glen out in California who's in the snow, brave in the snow for us to show us 15 feet of snow. And four more feet coming. But before we get to you, Glen, just sit down there in the snowbank for a little bit. Drink your beer. Me and Jeff have to talk about, you know, what we're doing.
Jeff: Yeah. Okay. I got to say, literally when you introduce that, my air conditioning came on in my house. That’s so crazy.
Mr. Dog Poop: It is 94 degrees in Tampa, Florida, and we got Glen out there, and he's got the heated gloves and he's got a little fire going there. But just hang on, hang on, Glen. Just hang with us a little bit.
Glen: I'm hanging until you bounce it back to me.
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. Hang on a second. So Jeff, you and I were just bitching before the beginning of the show. You know, we got some news to do, but we got our gripes. I mean, I got a gripe about some equipment that I bought from Net Gear. But Amazon, Jeff Bezos, you know, the guy's got a, a billion dollar ship. He's flying into space, but he can't get the fucking packages, right. So, we're doing Deep Fry Friday, every Friday, right? So, we got a new deep fryer coming in. And the deep fryer came in for you and me smashed in a box in a plain deep fryer box. Can you show everybody?
Jeff: Come on.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, you haven't opened it. We don't even know if it's good.
Jeff: No, I have not opened it. It feels okay based on the finger. Well, that seems pornographic now I'm looking at the screen.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's completely smashed through.
Jeff: It looks like someone clearly took a boot or a strong punch here. And also, by the way, also here.
Mr. Dog Poop: There's French fries on the front. So, I assume it was a fat driver that saw the French fries on it, assumed it was an Uber Eats job and tried to get the French fries out. Yeah. Chinese finger trap there. So, on the same day we got cat treats in. Cat treats. $10 in cat treats. The cat treats were in a box this big, and they were in an outside box, this big, wrapped in bubble wrap. So, the cat treats were wrapped in bubble wrap, and the deep fryer that we need for Friday was smashed with no extra padding. What's going on there? I mean, do I need to conference Jeff Bezos in on the phone. Hey, get Jeff Bezos's number. We're calling him before the end of the show.
Jeff: We need to talk to him about his Jeffness because it's very uncool. You know, like Jeff Lebowski, Jeff Macolino, we got to be cool.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's why. He is another Jeff. So, alright. That explains it.
Jeff: By the way, Isaac Edelman may have just made the best comment of the show. That is the most action Jeff has got since going to the club. I think that's number one.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm speechless because I've never seen Jeff have any action.
Jeff: Well, I hope most people haven't. I'm not a porn actor. I try to be discreet,
Mr. Dog Poop: Trying to be discreet. So, we got this guy out in Tahoe who's in the snowbank, freezing to death. It's 96 degrees out here in Tampa. Beautiful.
Jeff: Well, we can complain about Amazon before we could go to our guy.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. So, I mean, there's a little snow. He sends me a picture over the weekend out his kitchen window and the snow's like up here on the window, and he had to go out and shovel out the window because you couldn't even see out the windows. And he's in a second story. I had some information. I don't know if you know this, Glen, there was a three-story apartment building that was covered in an avalanche.