Mr. Dog Poop: The people in Ohio are pissed.
Jeff: I mean, look, the problem is, it's not Pete Buttigieg fault. I don't know if I'm saying his name right, by the way, but it's not his fault.
Mr. Dog Poop: Everything you say right now is slurred, so probably not.
Jeff: Yeah, you're welcome.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's going to be a tough Uber night for you, Jeff. It's going to be a tough Uber Eats night.
Jeff: No, it's a great Uber Eats night. Pete Buttigieg better deliver my food on time. I'm going to file a complaint with a cabinet because Pete Buttigieg is also in charge of Uber Eats, I believe. Right?
Mr. Dog Poop: I think that's Biden. I think that's Biden.
Jeff: No, no. That guy shit his own pants. We can't judge that.
Mr. Dog Poop: We got to get to some, some really important news. Back in the seventies, there was a public service announcement to keep America beautiful. And it featured this Indian that had a tear coming from his eye. I think it was this eye, whatever, I don't know which eye it was. Somebody threw trash at him, and he started crying. And this went all through the seventies and eighties; this huge, huge public service announcement. And the group, the federal government ran this, but now they're turning it over to the Indian Affairs Association, National Congress of American Indians. And they're going to control it. So, they don't want to show this Indian. Now, this public service announcement was done and one of the complaints was the guy that did it wasn't an Indian. So, he was an actor that did a lot of Indian roles and movies and stuff. Looks like an Indian, but obviously it wasn't. So that's racist. See if you remember this. Go ahead and show part of the PSA.
[Video 47:22 – 47: 34]
Mr. Dog Poop: It's not funny. People are littering America with McDonald's. Jeff Macolino.
Jeff: That's hilarious.
Mr. Dog Poop: Is that hilarious? It was a PSA spot from the seventies that's being turned over to the National Congress of American Indians.
Jeff: That was a great commercial.
Mr. Dog Poop: The United States government had to find a new actor. They had to find a new actor for the role, right? They had to find somebody that was as good as this Indian that could do the same thing. And they did. And you might recognize the person. Go ahead and play the clip and let's see if anybody knows who it is
[Video 48:27 – 48: 40]
Mr. Dog Poop: That was great.
Jeff: That was great.
Mr. Dog Poop: That was about the best acting that I've seen, except for Jenna Ortega. That was really good.
Jeff: Fantastic.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, problem solved. No more Indians. The government's got a new spokesperson. You might recognize the person from the ad. You okay, Jeff? You with us?
Jeff: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to read the comments, man. Hey, by the way, KFC got a new sandwich.
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, I got that.
Jeff: We'll talk about that later.
Mr. Dog Poop: I got that.
Jeff: Oh, the double, double. I couldn't because the last drunk piece I did was KFC. I can't double up on the double double. FourOnTheFloor, thank you for chiming in. Johnny 23. Jay Frog: I like drunk Jeff. I like you too, Jay Frog.
Mr. Dog Poop: Just hang on a second, Jeff. Let me get up to your speed. A McNugget makeover. McDonald's unveils plant based Beyond Meat nuggets. So, they're going to be chicken nuggets that aren't chicken. You're going to eat them, Jeff. You're going to eat them. You're going to eat them.
Jeff: I will never eat Beyond Meat.
Mr. Dog Poop: Beyond Meat nuggets.
Jeff: My body is a temple. I will never put those evil dirty chemicals inside of me. This Beyond Meat shit is chemicals made in the lab. I think my body's a temple. I will never put that stuff inside of me.
Mr. Dog Poop: Weren't you a test tube child? Weren't you one of the test tube children from the eighties?