Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers! Page-10

Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers!

Page Number:10

Mr. Dog Poop: Are you monitoring the chat? Are you monitoring the chat?

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Isaac Edelman, the president of FL Teams is on. He just liked that I shouted out FL teams.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, he watches our show?

Jeff: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm pretty sure Beyonce watches it too.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. And I got an email from what's his name. Oh, I'm forgetting his name. He was the president. Not, not Barack Obama. He said he's a big fan. Yeah. It's a little too intelligent of the show for Donald Trump to watch.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, you think Barack Obama's telling Joe Biden that we're going to be running for president that needs to watch out?

Jeff: No. No. I don't think Joe Biden knows what planet he's on, so I don't think it pass.

Mr. Dog Poop: Joe Biden's doing a soft launch of his presidential campaign, whatever the hell that means. I mean, means he can't get hard.

Jeff: I mean, at his age. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't think he knows where he is.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. Soft launch of a presidential campaign. That just sounds like he didn't need to inject a Viagra into the campaign.

Jeff: So, we've got a soft launcher and a smooth brainer going at it in 2024. Rematch of 2020.

Mr. Dog Poop: We got Trump with tiny hands. You know, he claims that other things aren't tiny, but we know. You got tiny hands. You got tiny other stuff. So, I think Trump's a liar. We know Joe Biden's a liar.

Jeff: They're all liar.

Mr. Dog Poop: That leaves you and me. You, me and Nikki Haley.

Jeff: Oh, geez. I, ah, I hate her.

Mr. Dog Poop: Too. Yeah. And you know, I love how all these people run for president when they quit their jobs. Like Sarah Palin quits her job as governor to be a social media star or whatever it was. Reality TV star with her kids. And then she goes and runs for president. She's never held a political job for more than a couple months. Why would anybody want to elect her for president?

Jeff: Before Donald Trump? I would say, I would love to elect someone who's never held a political job. And then Donald Trump came.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I mean, not that she hasn't held, that she won. She was the governor of Alaska. She won, but she didn’t.

Jeff: See Russia from her backyard.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. She could see Russia from her porch.

Jeff: In fairness, she might not have been wrong about it. It was just a bizarre answer to a question about Ford and palaces.

Mr. Dog Poop: No, you cannot see Russia from your porch.

Jeff: In Alaska. They're like this far apart on a map.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm pretty sure it's a couple miles. It's well over. Oh, you believe in the flat earth. So, I would say it's the curvature of the Earth would prohibit you from seeing it. But since you think the Earth is flat, you probably would believe it. I mean, there may be a dip there in Alaska where you could actually see it. We don't know. Because the Earth's not completely flat. Right? They still believe in mountains.

Jeff: I don't know. I finally officially did debunk that yesterday. Because my guest on the podcast, not why I had them on, but he happened to also have been a pilot. He debunks that very strongly that the earth is flat. Because that was one of Platter Dave, the guy who came on my podcast, that was one of his assertions, is that pilots knew that the earth was flat because the way they have to fly. And that is in fact not true according to an actual pilot. So, oops,

Mr. Dog Poop: There are some really stupid people in this world.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. Well, the last two presidents.

Mr. Dog Poop: You have this conspiracy theory about flat earth now. It's the most insane thing in the world. So, prove it. And you prove it by taking a level and saying, look, it's flat, it's level; just stupid things. Like actually go out there and do it. I mean, Lewis and Clark explored the whole middle of the country, right, in their expeditions. And all these people went out and they had maps of all these continents back in the 1800’s, 1700s. They had maps. So, with today's technology, they can't figure out that the earth isn't flat because they were sailing around in ships. They didn't even have motors. They didn't have gasoline. They didn't have anything. They didn't have any electronics. They were in a sailboat, and they were mapping the entire earth.