Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers! Page-11

Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers!

Page Number:11

Jeff: Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: But they weren't super accurate maps. But they knew what was there.

Jeff: And there are people who've gone around. I think I always sympathize with them. Because I love where their heads at, like the government's lying to us. This whole thing's a lie. I love where their heads at, because I do think everything the government says and does is a life. By the way, your potatoes might be close to done. Mine’s getting softer.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. So, this thing is definitely putting out hot steam.

Jeff: You can't burn yourself with steam.

Mr. Dog Poop: Steam does burn.

Jeff: Yes.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I don't think the potatoes are done.

Jeff: Good thing I got my oven mitts.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh wait.

Jeff: I bet the carrots are done.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, so now I'm going to put in some other vegetables that won't take that long, hopefully.

Jeff: Oh my fish looks like it's pretty close. I'll let me get this angled here for the camera.

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know about steaming mushrooms, but what the heck?

Jeff: You know, mushrooms they give me like time dilation. Like I've become a time traveler when I do mushrooms. Oh, again, wrong kind of mushrooms.

Mr. Dog Poop: Wrong kind of mushrooms.

Jeff: Boring mushrooms.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to throw some peppers in here. Oh, I got a couple carrots. I'm not going to throw the carrots in. I missed a couple, but then they're going to be hard. And then looks like we're going to top it off with some broccoli.

Jeff: All right. Let me see if you can see the fish in here. You can kind of see it. Whoa. Ow. Well, I didn't burn my hand. I burned my leg. Some of the hot water dripped on me.

Mr. Dog Poop: You lost another pair of pants?

Jeff: No just a little bit of skin.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, now I know why I've burned my hand. There's two holes to let the steam out. So, hopefully there's still water in it.

Jeff: I can check the level.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I can check the level.

Jeff: Mine is little below half.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. Mine's getting down to minimum, but I still have 20 minutes left on my timer. So it's been cooking for 40 minutes.

Jeff: Yeah, we've been we've been on live for 56 minutes.

Mr. Dog Poop: And we still don't have dinner.

Jeff: By the way BS beer has said you can see Russia from little Diomede Island. I don't know how to pronounce.

Mr. Dog Poop: Can you ask BS and Beer? How far Diomede Island is from Sarah Palin's house in the middle of Alaska, in the middle of Anchorage.

Jeff: How far is Diomede? I'm going to ask him how to pronounce it too. Oh, he already answered. 10 miles.

Mr. Dog Poop: What? She didn't live out on the Alucian Islands.

Jeff: Well, but if it's 10 miles away from her house, she cannot see Russia.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, Jeff, you're 10 miles away from my house. I can see you.

Jeff: That's a good point.

Mr. Dog Poop: Maybe she was zooming with them.

Jeff: Yeah, maybe it was Nikita Cooper.

Mr. Dog Poop: There’s no way she lived out on the Alucian Islands. In order to see Russia, you have to be out on those end islands, and you can't even get to those islands. So that's like, there's a buffer up there in the Bearing Strait where the planes can fly and if they fly past the island, they get into Russian airspace and they get shot down. So, they're only able to go. It's a really crazy situation over there.

Jeff: Well, I've never been to Alaska. I don't really have any plans. Although, you know, I do known an Alaskan cruise, I think cruises are underrated. Although the drinks are just, even when you get the drink package.

Mr. Dog Poop: Wouldn't you be afraid of an iceberg?

Jeff: I am not afraid of no ice.