Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers! Page-6

Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers!

Page Number:6

Mr. Dog Poop: So, do you do comedy routines? You do comedy standup?

Jeff: Sometimes. It's been a few months since I've gone on stage. I'm not that good.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I guess is anybody in here keeping track of how long I had this stuff in here? You said 20 minutes on a potato.

Jeff: That's what I read. You should check the potatoes in 20 minutes and see.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I got these little ones and they're, I think, still hard as hell. And these are little, and I want to say it's probably been running for 10, 15 minutes. Yeah.

Jeff: Yeah. It’s probably close to 10.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is a tiny potato and it's like a rock.

Jeff: Oh yeah. And that's smaller than my potatoes.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's tiny.

Jeff: I shouldn't lift the top.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, if it can't cook the potato in 15 minutes or get it close, what's it doing to the fish or the chicken?

Jeff: Let's see if I can get a camera shot of it. The bottom of the fish is definitely cooking though. Actually, let me just try it this way.

Mr. Dog Poop: You can lift it off.

Jeff: Yeah, it's a little warm. Yeah, you can't really see through it with the camera, but the bottom of the fish is cooking a little bit. That's the other thing with this.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is this on?

Jeff: As it goes longer and longer, the steam builds up and you can't see inside. Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is this on Chris? Is that on camera? I can bring it back. Let's see. So, we can take this off and we can look at it, and it looks like it's still raw. So, we got raw fish, hard potatoes. Is there a difference if you have a one level or two levels? You know, if you had it on the bottom, is it going to be hotter?

Jeff: That's a good question. Yeah. Yeah. I would think so.

Mr. Dog Poop: Probably says something in the directions, but we're not going to go there.

Jeff: Who needs their directions? We're men.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're men. We get shit done. We eat with zombie survival kits. We cut kitchen vegetables up with pocketknives.

Jeff: Who needs directions? We've done five episodes and we couldn't figure out two.

Mr. Dog Poop: Women bitch all the time that men don't ask for directions. Right. I'm here all my life. I obviously never gotten lost because I'm here right now. If I was lost, I wouldn't be here. So, I don't know what their big issue is. Men don't ask directions.

Jeff: I don't even know whose house I'm in right now. I just got lost and just pick the house and it's mine now.

Mr. Dog Poop: A lot of people do that. A lot of people do that.

Jeff: No one's kicked me out yet.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, it was a big problem in 2006, 2008 that they had like 25% of the houses in Tampa were occupied by people that didn't even own the houses. Because everybody got kicked out. The people that got kicked out left and somebody else would just move into an empty house.

Jeff: Yeah. Why not? Until someone comes and kicks you out, it’s free. That's called being thrifty.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's called being thrifty. Yeah.

Jeff: Crime and thriftiness are really close, if you think of.

Mr. Dog Poop: Crime and thriftiness.

Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You steal something, you're cheap, whatever. It's close.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. I'm not going there.

Jeff: No, I don't do either of those things by the way. I don't save money and I don't steal. I'm very anti-stealing.

Mr. Dog Poop: How do you remember?

Jeff: Remember what?

Mr. Dog Poop: How did you get that Arby sandwich last night? Do you remember if you walked into Arby's with a gun and stole it? Or?

Jeff: Oh, I was in no shape to drive. I definitely had it delivered.

Mr. Dog Poop: Did you pay the person, or did you just stand over them? You're six two and stand over them and say, get the hell out of here.