Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers! Page-7

Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers!

Page Number:7

Jeff: I mean, I probably could have done it but you prepay Uber Eats.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, you prepay.

Jeff: Well, the thing nowadays. Nobody needs to ask directions because it's all on your phone. This thing solves all your problems.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. My phone doesn't give me directions, so, yeah. It's new world, you know, everybody just, oh, what's your address? And they just get there by their phone.

Jeff: Yeah. I get really peeved when I hear people giving other people directions. It’s just one of the rare times I'm like, okay, boomer, just use your damn phone. Just type it in, let your phone dictate. You don't need to know how many stop signs to go past to make a right at the lake.

Mr. Dog Poop: I called these old people that are like, oh, you got to do this. You’re going to stop at this stop sign and then look down this way, and then you're going to go two houses and go here. And it's like, just give me your address.

Jeff: Yeah. My dad always is one of those people. And it always tells me to take a toll road and I hate tolls. I'm like, there's even a button now you can hit avoid toll roads. So, that's not an excuse. You have no excuse. No excuse. I do miss the old days when I started driving. You go on MapQuest and just print out the directions. You know, that was fun. And then if you missed a turn, it got interesting. Because you had to actually look at a real map. And I actually enjoyed that. It made me feel like a pirate or something.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. I still do that. So, I'd still print out directions and follow because I want to know where I'm going as I go. I wouldn't even drive that way. I don't want to go down this street. Because like your dad's like, I don't want to pay the toll. Well, I don't want to drive down certain streets. I know the traffic is bad. I know there's problems.

Jeff: If you want to actually learn how to do it, driving with your GPS on is not a good way to learn a route because I've driven like the same place 20 times with my GPS on, and I tried it with my phone off and I got lost and had to turn over.

Mr. Dog Poop: When I moved to Tampa, I just did. I had no idea where I was going and getting lost. Everything looks the same down here. Everything's flat. Every store looks the same. You wouldn't know where the hell you are. And I was just lost all the time. And then you start using the GPS, but then you don't know how to get any place without the GPS. We're like the young kids in school now that can't do their homework without a computer.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of sad. It's kind of sad. So, I guess I understand the old school. Oh, how many bridges do I go over before I make a left? Oh, there's an old lady selling fruit on this corner. Not that one. You go to the next one and you make a right. Drive pass that lady. Oh, it's archaic.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I mean, definitely not the most exciting cooker we've had.

Jeff: Definitely not. There's no fire.

Mr. Dog Poop: There's no smoke coming off of it that. The timer sucks. I don't see any big problems.

Jeff: Yeah. I don't. It doesn't look like the fish is cooking.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, there's steam coming up. This one might get too thumbs up from the Man Show.

Jeff: I mean, it seems like almost like crockpot cooking where it's more just set it and forget it, kind of thing. You don't have to stand over it and watch it.

Mr. Dog Poop: But it is taking a long time. So, I mean, we'll have to go back and watch the replay to see, get the timing on the potatoes.

Jeff: I'm going to have to amp up my timer.