Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers! Page-8

Cooking with a 2 stage food steamer and shooting the shit over a few beers!

Page Number:8

Mr. Dog Poop: I can tell you it is still very hard. And these are tiny potatoes. They should cook. I mean, if you put a big potato in there, chunks of potatoes, you'd be in trouble.

Jeff: Yeah. You're talking hours probably that it took.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, by the time it's cooked, you're just going to not be hungry. You would've eaten something else and you're going to vacuum pack it. Just vacuum pack this stuff up and give it to your kids.

Jeff: I've already gotten rid of my vacuum sealer.

Mr. Dog Poop: At least, well, we know it works now.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. It makes me feel better that it works. The egg cooker last night, that was just drunken stupidity. That was not the egg cooker's fault.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, if you're going to steam eggs, you got to put water in. And that's something we didn't understand. And we didn't even try cooking them on beer. I mean, what about poached beer eggs? We pour beer in there and make the poached egg and you got a little beer flavor in your eggs.

Jeff: I think that might be an experiment I try.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's something for another episode. We got all these egg steamers. That sandwich maker did a job on me. That is the worst design out of any kitchen appliance I've ever seen. All the things are metal, and it's got all these things you have to slide in, do out, and they're as hot as the grill surface. Like, what the hell? Who the hell thought of that? And the cleanup on it. I don't know. I mean, we took it outside and we hose it off of the garden hose. It’s garbage. I mean, it's like you made two sandwiches that weren't good and then I had to hose it off.

Jeff: It's ridiculous. I probably would've severely injured myself if I had one of those last night. I was feeling quite good.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, and somebody was watching this should understand that we were drinking for about two hours before we started the show because the internet was out and we couldn't stream the show live. Jeff didn't have any internet. We were calling the internet company. But that would've been a great phone call. Because that was exciting. That was probably better than our whole show. But we were waiting; so we drank probably a lot of drinks before we actually made it to the air. And yeah, it was definitely trying to cook. You were cooking two egg cookers. I had a sandwich maker. I haven't gone back and watched the episode, but it had to be insane.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. Well, and to be fair, I started drinking at one o'clock yesterday because I was recording a podcast and it's just easier to do.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, you did a live show, a podcast, and a YouTube video yesterday?

Jeff: Yeah, it was a slow day.

Mr. Dog Poop: Wow.

Jeff: Today I shot an episode of Joe Nofo, I’m doing this, and then I edited the video to go on YouTube. And then I just remembered I got an audition I need to send in.

Mr. Dog Poop: You know, all these people think that we put the show on and we're instant successes and they don't understand how hard we actually work. Right. So, like, oh, you're making a million dollars on YouTube and it's like you're, the overnight success. It's a lot of work.

Jeff: Oh, yeah. No, I do. In all seriousness, I do say, you know, when I used to work the eight to five gigs, it was like, yeah, I work 40 hours a week now. Noe, there are a lot of days that I work 12 to 15, 16 hours. You know, the benefit is a lot of that time I can still be enjoying a cocktail or two or 18. But still I'm working, you know?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. It's working for yourself as a seven day a week, 24 hour a day job, and it just gets old and exhausting. You end up like me old and worn out and just ready to give up.