Mr. Dog Poop: Mr. Dog Poop here, Jeff Macolino. Jeff, I can't believe we finally made it to episode two of the Man Show. And it's been such a journey for us. And when I think back of all the shows that we've done, and all you know, the viewers have been great, and the comments have been great. And you know, I just I feel like we've hit just a major milestone in our lifetime getting to episode two. Just fantastic. And to celebrate that, we're going to make donuts.
Jeff: Oh, yeah, we deserve donuts.
Mr. Dog Poop: We're going to make donuts.
Jeff: We did one whole episode so far. We deserve donuts.
Mr. Dog Poop: We did a whole episode without food. So, we're calling today Beer and Donuts. And here's what we're going to make. Look at this. Look at these beautiful donuts. We bought donut makers. We got donut supplies. And we're going to make donuts just like these. Now, these are from Dunkin Donuts. I sent that Fat Chris down to Dunkin Donuts. He bought three dozen. We got, I think, eight left. But apparently Dunkin Donuts doesn't have a donut maker; didn't show up for work. So, these are yesterday's donuts.
Jeff: Ours are going to be fresh.
Mr. Dog Poop: Ours are going to be fresh. Fuck. I always do that. I always do that. I’m my own worst enemy. And of course, they're stuck together.
Jeff: Oh, yeah. You can tell they're day-old donuts.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, I had them so nice. And then I go and why do I always do that?
Jeff: And you lowered the bar for our donut making.
Mr. Dog Poop: Alright, so you know I did such a nice job there. Did such a nice job putting it together and then I immediately dropped the donuts. Alright, so I'm going to move these off to the side. Put them over by Fat Chris. Maybe we'll have some to show at the end of the day.
Jeff: There were eight last night? There should be one left.
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, so without making a mess, we've got a mini donut maker. You got yours?
Jeff: Oh, yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: Why don't you go ahead and open it up and show us.
Jeff: Alright.
Mr. Dog Poop: Now, in full disclosure, we are not getting paid. We're not endorsing this. This is something we bought with our money. We're going to find out if it works, and it makes donuts like Dunkin Donuts.
Jeff: Yes, yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: And none of the supplies that we have, we're not getting paid for it. We had to spend our money to do this. No endorsements.
Jeff: And we may shit all over it as a result.
Mr. Dog Poop: We may. What did you get? Green?
Jeff: Yeah, like light green. It's kind of like that old school, you know, like 50s kitchen.
Mr. Dog Poop: Retro donuts.
Jeff: And there you can see the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 donuts per cook, I guess.
Mr. Dog Poop: Should we keep the box because there are instructions on it? Yeah, we're men. We don't need it.
Jeff: Well, there’s a recipe book, I think.
Mr. Dog Poop: That's a recipe book. Don't need it. Don’t need it. Don’t need it.
Jeff: We did a really man thing and instead of looking at the recipe book got just pancake mix here.
Mr. Dog Poop: I got pancake mix. I got chocolate cake mix. I got yellow cake mix. We got frosting. We got sprinkles. I had to borrow money from my wife, but I got three eggs.
Jeff: Oh, how many Bitcoins did that cost?
Mr. Dog Poop: It was a few Bitcoins. Yeah. The most expensive thing on the table is the three eggs.
Jeff: Well, so, in here, they do have important safeguards. We can look at that.
Mr. Dog Poop: Hey, why are you reading the recipes?
Jeff: No, no. It’s not recipes. It’s a nonstick surface so you don't need to grease it up. That's nice to know.