Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker Page-10

Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker

Page Number:10

Jeff: Oh, my desk I might have to do that with. So, that's part of it though. you're doing this in your kitchen, your kitchen counter or wherever you're doing.

Mr. Dog Poop: If you do this in your kitchen, you're going to have to put in an entirely new kitchen.

Jeff: Yeah, I mean, it's on there good.

Mr. Dog Poop: After using this device, you're going to have to throw your kitchen out. You're gonna have to completely remodel it. But the good news is, and give me a second here, let me get this set up. Let me get this set up.

Jeff: If you need help destroying your kitchen, go in your zombie apocalypse tool kit, you got a saw and hammer. Go to town on that set. Don't pay the workers to demo, do your own demo. The fun part of construction. There are the day-old donuts.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I want to compare, you know, these shitty Dunkin Donuts with our fucking beautiful donuts. I mean, I don't think there's a comparison. These are incredible. This is fucking incredible. This is garbage. And they cost $1 apiece. Did you know a dozen Dunkin Donuts are fucking $10?

Jeff: Well, they use eggs, I mean, so, it might be part of it.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's true. So did we. I mean, this cost us around 50 bucks to make these three donuts. Or there's like 18 donuts here for 50 bucks.

Jeff: But presumably, you could use this donut maker more than one time.

Mr. Dog Poop: No, not the one I use. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to do it. I don't even know if we're going to be able to use the building again. We may have to just burn it down.

Jeff: We’ll use an exorcist.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm having my producer check the insurance policy and see if we're covered for a donut maker burning the building down. He's shaking his head, no, but I'm pretty sure we are. The chocolate donut looks delicious. This may not look good, but it is delicious. This looks amazing. This is a black and white. You know, black and white cookies? This is a black and white donut.

Jeff: Racial harmony on a plate.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, one side is chocolate, one side is vanilla. My desk is falling apart. So, we made some donuts. The people working here are going to be so happy when the show is over and they get to eat these and sample these. I mean, you're going to take yours down to your kids, right?

Jeff: Well, I already ate all of mine.

Mr. Dog Poop: The things still hot, you can make some more for them.

Jeff: Yeah, I could.

Mr. Dog Poop: Tell them you're going to make some, but they have to clean it. I don't even think I'm going to clean mine. I think, I’m going to throw it in the garbage. I think the mini donut maker is a failure.

Jeff: I think what I'm going to do this weekend is I'm going to tell them I'm making them donuts but it's going to be like diced up broccoli and carrots.

Mr. Dog Poop: Diced up broccoli and carrots and donuts and pancakes.

Jeff: Oh yeah, If do that, I will send you the video.

Mr. Dog Poop: Tomorrow we're going to actually have a whole new studio. We're going to burn this down. And we're going to have a whole new studio and we are going to make panini sandwiches. We got a panini press. We're going to be making Reubens with rye bread and corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, Russian dressing. You got to plan for your panini sandwiches? You're going to go to the grocery store tomorrow and see what's on sale?

Jeff: Oh, yeah, definitely. I'll definitely be getting some turkey. We'll mix things up. Maybe, we'll try like an Italian one. I got to say on YouTube, VS Beer said, I'm giving this one to Jeff. Mr. Dog Poop just made a mess. My donuts were pretty clean.