Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker Page-3

Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker

Page Number:3

Jeff: I feel like it needs some beer. I feel like it needs some beer. Yeah, can anybody bring me a beer? I can pour in here. Somebody out here. My production staff. Here we got like 30 people working in here and nobody can.

Jeff: You can't make chili without beers. You can’t make donuts without beer.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, we're making beer donuts.

Jeff: I don't know if I'm allowed to show the label. So, I'm going to hold it this way. Sure everybody knows what I'm drinking by now.

Mr. Dog Poop: Poor some beer in there, and then, I think I mix it.

Jeff: Looks like you're doing the right thing.

Mr. Dog Poop: Any idea what the consistency needs to be?

Jeff: Mine's pretty like that.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is that what you got?

Jeff: It's liquid, but it's not too much like water. Like a syrup almost.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is pretty cool.

Jeff: Yeah, I'm out here looking at the caveman.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, well, you can't afford stuff like this.

Jeff: No, way too much.

Mr. Dog Poop: You can't afford a nice tool like this.

Jeff: I stole this from a homeless person. I mean,

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to plug mine in. Any idea how long it takes to heat up?

Jeff: I can feel the heat resonating. I just plugged mine in like three minutes ago.

Mr. Dog Poop: You think it'll overheat or start on fire. We had a fire around here last night.

Jeff: Yeah, it's starting to smell. So, I'm going to put mine in.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, you have the pancake. We got some yellow cake here. What brands are these? One’s Pillsbury. Yep, I threw the box out. It’s the same thing. Coat pan with non-stick surface. So, water eggs, and oil. So, I guess we'll put some oil in here. You know, cake batter is a little bit thicker but then I guess if I was concerned about it, I would measure it.

Jeff: No.

Mr. Dog Poop: Real mean don’t use measuring cups. Real men don't ask instructions. You know, we’re going to have to make a man manual for the viewers. We're going to have to make a manual: How to be a Real Man by Mr. Dog Poop and Jeff.

Jeff: A manual that says like, don’t do this.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. Don't do what we do.

Jeff: We are bad examples.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, men eat donuts. They don't cook.

Jeff: I'm going to lower my camera here so you can see.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh yeah, it's cooking. So, you have to put the top down.

Jeff: Oh, that hurts. Alright, it’s closed.

Mr. Dog Poop: Do I need special gloves or something?

Jeff: It actually would not hurt to have an oven mitt. Cough, cough, oven mitt.

Mr. Dog Poop: I got some problems. Getting a little messy here. Mr. Dog Poop’s getting chocolate frosting on himself. Yeah, so I'm going to try. I mean I feel like this need beer but I'm going to go ahead and put water in it. I'll try water on this one. And so, you got the eggless.

Jeff: I could use a plate and an oven mitt.

Mr. Dog Poop: Uh-oh, there's smoke coming off of mine. This thing is smoking.

Jeff: Yeah, smoking hot.

Mr. Dog Poop: No, I don't have anything in it. And there's smoke coming off of it. I don't know. There's like smoke coming off.

Jeff: Oh yeah. Yeah, I got some stuff coming out too.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, this thing’s smoking.

Jeff: This seems dangerous.

Mr. Dog Poop: It smells like it's on fire. I mean it does not smell good.

Jeff: From my end it smells delicious, but it does smell like it’s cooking.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, you have stuff in yours. I don't have anything in mine. And there's smoke coming out of it like an electrical fire.

Jeff: Oh my. Yeah, mine is too. Mine is starting to get a little intense here on the smoke. Alright. And I think the donuts are done. No, they're probably like a minute. Like, this is quick.