Jeff: That would at least make it more tolerable.
Mr. Dog Poop: It would make it more tolerable.
Jeff: That may be may be something I try to experiment with.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh yeah. These are these are looking good. So, I'm going to take this batch of donuts out if that's possible. So, it is definitely nonstick. I'll give them that. But it is hot as shit. The donut stuff doesn't look like the picture.
Jeff: Mine's been on unplugged for 10 minutes and it is still very hot.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I mean, I got to cut it off of the desk, because it's dripped off and cooked everything onto the desk. Ah, Jesus, what the hell, man. It is freaking hot. How the hell? Because it comes out as a freaking. Is this like you're supposed to break the pancakes off? Oh my God, that's good.
Jeff: We made we made a warning about drunk people shouldn't use this, neither should children by the way.
Mr. Dog Poop: Let me tell you something. That's good. That is some donuts right there. It doesn't look beautiful. But that glazed that melted all down into it. It tastes amazing. All the flavor, the sugar melted down into the cake.
Jeff: I'm going to see the overhead shot of that.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, we got those two which, you know we're getting there. We got a little more donut mix left here.
Jeff: They’re not pretty but they do look good. I mean, like, they taste good.
Mr. Dog Poop: You know, we're not women. We don't care what it looks like.
Jeff: No.
Mr. Dog Poop: We're not here to win the Betty Crocker award, right?
Jeff: No, this ain't no beauty pageant.
Mr. Dog Poop: This ain’t no beauty pageant.
Jeff: I want donuts in my belly.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, I guess just then add a little more.
Jeff: Look at these two. These are interesting results. This side cooked nicely. This side looks raw.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. So, they show you these beautiful donuts, but I can tell you these things are flat as hell. And you're using pancake mix. And I'm using cake mix.
Jeff: Now, sure if anything, make it thicker, right?
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I mean, it's dripping out the sides, but it's not full. It's not going up into the top to make it a round donut. It's just like a flat donut. It's not like a mini donut. There's no way. What do you put like? But I can tell you, these tastes good. And it's not because I've had 24 beers today. It's just because it's good.
Jeff: They're addictive. And they are like mini pancakes.
Mr. Dog Poop: If we ever make it to Episode 3, am I going to see steam coming out from under your desk, and then you're going to be pulling pancakes out and eating them?
Jeff: Could be. Could be another reason there's steam coming out. I'm just hoping I can have a clean pair of shorts after the next episode we do.
Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to lose clothes, you're going to destroy your house. You're going to have all kinds of problems. I don't even know if I'm going to be able to recover this desk. I'm going to have it refurbished. I mean, you can see the steam coming up. It's definitely cooking. I don't think it cooks enough. And don't they don't rise up. They're like little desks and they don't have holes in them. So, you would have to put holes in them.
Jeff: Yeah, they do not have holes. And I don't think there's a way around that.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm pretty sure that there's some major flaws in this $25 cooker. And for $25 from China, I would expect a lot more out of this.
Jeff: You know, if you're dedicated to doing these things. I could see someone taking a little extra time maybe reading the recipes.
Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, it's all over my desk. It's dripping everywhere. You put the stuff in, it pours out. Oh, wait. These actually look like donuts. Something slimmer, something strange happened. Yeah, look at this. They actually went up to the top. Well, a couple of them did.