Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker Page-9

Drinking Beer and Eating Donuts - A Cooking and Review of the Express Mini Donut Maker

Page Number:9

Jeff: So maybe we weren't filling in enough which is obviously what you think.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, I'm not filling it enough. It's dripping out the sides. I don't know how much more I could fill it.

Jeff: Oh, no, I know. That's it. Yeah, I think I filled that less than you and my desk is a mess.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I mean this is I'm going to have to go on Craigslist and hire one of those crime scene cleanup people to come in here and clean this up.

Jeff: Oh, yeah. If you find a crime scene cleanup person in my area, you can send her on over up to 200 bucks.

Mr. Dog Poop: 200 bucks?

Jeff: Yeah, you got the air quotes, right? I don’t need someone to clean.

Mr. Dog Poop: No, I didn't get it. Okay. over my head. Jeff Magdeleno is too funny for Mr. Dog Poop.

Jeff: No, no, no, just more of a degenerate.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh yeah, you know, I'm a Catholic school boy. I read the Bible every night. I pray to Baby Jesus. And you know, you need to really kind of baby me and not making up you know, lewd references about prostitutes or strippers and stuff like that because I don't even know what that is.

Jeff: Yeah, well, Jesus talked to a lot of prostitutes in the Bible.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I think he was a whore himself.

Jeff: I missed that part in Sunday school.

Mr. Dog Poop: Maybe it was the Virgin Mary or something.

Jeff: I don't know. I think it was Mary Magdalene.

Mr. Dog Poop: Wasn't Jesus married to like five people?

Jeff: I don't think he was married according to the Bible.

Mr. Dog Poop: I want to say that Israel is coming out with this propaganda that Jesus had like 32 kids or something.

Jeff: Oh, probably. That would make sense. Trying to, you know, have a bloodline that they can point to for some reason. Some political purpose, I'm sure.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. I'm going to keep cooking them because these could be my best donuts yet.

Jeff: Or they could come out like hockey pucks?

Mr. Dog Poop: No, I mean, so far. I'm going to put this all together. I'm going to put the donuts that I dropped over here. We're going to compare. I mean, I haven't made that much of a mess on my desk.

Jeff: I've eaten 14 already.

Mr. Dog Poop: 14 mini donuts? 14 mini donuts.

Jeff: I've eaten 11 of them and I've given three away to my assistants.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm running out of beer. So, these donuts better start. These things are slow.

Jeff: Is it still going? Or is it off? I don't see any smoke or steam.

Mr. Dog Poop: I don’t see any smoke.

Jeff: They may have shut off.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay.

Jeff: So, I mean, the residual heat will probably keep them cooking for a while.

Mr. Dog Poop: I need the zombie axe to get the stuff off the sides. I'm not sure how to separate the donuts out.

Jeff: Yeah, they all stick together.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. I mean that's some beautiful donuts.

Jeff: Oh, wow, those do look nice.

Mr. Dog Poop: Those are beautiful. Those might be the best donuts in the history of the mini donut maker. Well, I mean, if the ones in the recipe book are actual mini donuts pictures, those are extraordinary. So, we're going to do some chocolate donuts with chocolate frosting. Look at that. That is something beautiful. So professional, rainbow.

Jeff: Worm semen. Or what did you say it was?

Mr. Dog Poop: Squirrel poop. But much? Well, I don't know if it's better. You don't know a squirrel poops better than worm semen.

Jeff: How did that get in my head?

Mr. Dog Poop: Because you're a degenerate.

Jeff: That’s a good point. Those are good man. I didn’t even seal this damn bag. I'm just going to have to make the rest of it.

Mr. Dog Poop: Just make the rest of it. So this, I don't see that it could ever be cleaned. I think it needs to be thrown out. Can somebody bring me a beer. Dammit. Yours isn't bad. I mean, mine's got like, everything stuck to it. I'm going to have to take it out and get it sandblasted or something.