Jeff: Well, apparently you've answered the question.
Mr. Dog Poop: We're trying to get the show over. We're trying to get in our time. My producer's like, do it. It's like he doesn't care. Does he care if I'm frickin?
Jeff: Fat Chris is like, peel that shit, I want to eat.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. All right. It's too hot to hold, but I'm going to put it in my mouth and see if it burns inside of me.
Jeff: That's what women say about my penis.
Mr. Dog Poop: All right.
Jeff: This doesn't even make sense.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, a hard-boiled egg. Hard-boiled egg. It boils eggs. I'm not sure how long you're supposed to leave it, what you're supposed to do. Seven hard-boiled eggs. Wow, that's actually a lot more convenient than putting them in a pan and doing all of the crap.
Jeff: This was my fifth hard-boiled egg I've eaten. Return to this episode. I don't need even need to get Arby's after this, I'm good.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, what do you think? Can you eat the poached eggs?
Jeff: I keep trying and the fucking thing keeps turning off. I think my big one is defective.
Mr. Dog Poop: Really?
Jeff: The little mech, this little guy clearly made.
Mr. Dog Poop: And it also had.
Jeff: I've already eaten five hard-boiled eggs.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, it also has a tray to do hard-boiled eggs. Now, the big one has, I think it was about $15, and it has a metal tray, which I put butter in, which was great. The smaller one has a plastic tray and an omelet tray. This is for poached eggs, this is for an omelet, I guess.
Jeff: These are the eggshells of the eggs that I've eaten. These are all of the chicken embryos or chicken fetuses maybe, according to [Inaudible – 22:40] that I've put in my body.
Mr. Dog Poop: A true carnivore. So, I made seven hard-boiled eggs.
Jeff: This thing won't cook. The light turns on, it turns off. I have a raw egg in here.
Mr. Dog Poop: Did you push the whole button in? You pushed it in and it stays in?
Jeff: The light was on and everything. It just doesn't.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, yours is defective?
Jeff: I think mine's defective.
Mr. Dog Poop: In all fairness, Jeff, to Bella Kitchen Products. We thought the, oh, that's terrible. Push that thing in. Push that button in
Jeff: It's down. It's all the way down. And the light's not coming on.
Mr. Dog Poop: The button stays in. Push it all of the way in.
Jeff: It's in. It's not saying in.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to say.
Jeff: By the way, ladies, I've lost 12 pounds in the 19 days.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, no, mine is doing the same thing. When I push it in, it doesn't do anything. So, mine cooked the eggs, but when I push it in now, the light doesn't come on.
Jeff: I feel like the big one's defective, the small one. Look, I'm going to eat my sixth hard-boiled egg from the small one.
Mr. Dog Poop: This thing, I just pushed it a bunch of times and it doesn't stay on. The little one has a button that you can turn it on. This.
Jeff: Hold on.
Mr. Dog Poop: This giant, what did we pay for these, Fat Chris? I want to say $15. And it's apparently defective. And it made three good eggs for me, but that was the end of its life.
Jeff: I think I'm going to try it in the small one if I can transfer the egg.
Mr. Dog Poop: Do you have a new egg? Jeff, do you have one more egg in your house?
Jeff: I do. I'll crack another one in. Sorry, this is a bad video, I forgot. Get out of here. I have another hard-boiled egg I want to eat. All right. Get this out of here. Transfer the small one. These cords are for.
Mr. Dog Poop: They're terrible.
Jeff: Prohibitive.
Mr. Dog Poop: Did you even have it plugged in?