Mr. Dog Poop: But could you get a rock for $7.95?
Jeff: I could find a rock for $7.95.
Mr. Dog Poop: Not in Florida. Not in Florida.
Jeff: Look, this is supposed to make like a clean sandwich. It's still dripping. You remember that glob of cheese I ate? How much is in there?
Mr. Dog Poop: That’s not good. It's like paper thin. I don't understand. It's supposed to be like a pocket sandwich thing.
Jeff: So, it's made for like a two-recipe sandwich maybe. Here you want one little slice of cheese and one little slice of ham. And you can make yourself a little baby hot pocket.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, we cook the egg in advance. This looks absolutely delicious. And we are going to put that now on the bread with the bread.
Jeff: That looks delicious.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's an egg sandwich. I'm going to put a little more ham in it. We got ham here and let's put a little extra cheese.
Jeff: All of our viewers just quit when I started getting burned by cheese. I feel like either that or I'm not getting comments again. Oh, that black thing is the egg?
Mr. Dog Poop: That's the egg. There's some tomato up here. There's cheese all over the place. We're down to one sandwich. We're running out of supplies. This is it. Last sandwich of the day. Ah, I don't even think he wants to taste test this one.
Jeff: Is he even so alive? I thought he died when he got third degree burns in his mouth from the first sandwich.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, the good part of this is there's some uncooked things that are delicious like the pepperoni or cheese, the hotdogs, the ham, Swiss cheese. But by the time you put it together in this thing, it's not the same.
Jeff: Yeah, it's actually good we tested this after the panini press because all the flaws in this machine. Now the one thing this thing does better is it'll just slowly compress. The panini press doesn't really like going slow. It likes to really get in fast.
Mr. Dog Poop: Do you think we could cook a ribeye on this?
Jeff: No.
Mr. Dog Poop: No.
Jeff: No. I mean, look, it's not terrible, but it's so limited because it's got to be like a baby sandwich. It's not a man sandwich.
Mr. Dog Poop: What else can you do with cheap buy one, get one free bread?
Jeff: I don't blame the bread.
Mr. Dog Poop: You know, hot dogs and chili dogs. Chili dogs with sauerkraut. I mean, you're taking cheap bread and making interesting sandwiches. So, I think if you're trying to make sandwiches for your kids I mean the man cave, I'm thinking for the man cave, you need fried food, right? You need beer and fried food. Tomorrow we're going to do an air fryer and then Friday we're going to do an actual fryer and we're going to do some stuff in between. I don't know what it is, but we're going to do some stuff. I don't think Fat Chris is going to try this one. I'm sorry guys. $7.95 sandwich press. Eat the cheese and the ham and the pepperoni and these little things without making a sandwich.
Jeff: I mean, I did eat three sandwiches in fairness.
Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff Macolino gives it five stars.
Jeff: No, in seriousness, this is worse than the vacuum sealer. And that didn't work at all.
Mr. Dog Poop: The vacuum sealer was a nightmare, but we didn't know how to use it. So maybe. you could cook gourmet sandwiches on this, and we just didn't read the instructions.
Jeff: I don't think so. I think you can only cook very limited, like put like two slices of waxy American cheese on there and it'll make a nice little sandwich.
Mr. Dog Poop: Do you think if two slices wouldn't come out? Because I put one slice on and it was coming out the back,
Jeff: It probably would. No, no. Look, I stress tested it. I put five cheeses on there.