Jeff: Oh, I have no idea. That's the fun of what we’re doing.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, you saved the directions. I didn’t.
Jeff: Well, I didn't read that closely. I just scanned them. First thing said clean it before you use it. And we didn't do that.
Mr. Dog Poop: Do you realize how much better the show would be if we read the instructions on these things before we started?
Jeff: Well, we're a cautionary tale, right? Like, we're the rag tag group of people who no one roots for. But they don't want us to die.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to make some pepperoni pizza. I'm going to make a pizza pocket because I saw this on tv. So, I'm going to cut up some pepperoni.
Jeff: Some pepperjack and pepperoni actually. Oh god.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's hot.
Jeff: That hurts. You burned yourself first, but I burned myself pretty good there. You got to be very careful stacking your sandwich on this thing. Word to the wise.
Mr. Dog Poop: And it's probably getting hotter as it's sitting there cooking.
Jeff: I assume so. And I've got one sandwich that's sitting there. Look at this Pepperjack and pepperoni. I want to see if I can get maybe a little spice out of this one. And the other one is roast beef and provolone. I mean, they both have spicy mustard on them. No, let me see. I can pick this up. If you don't touch the inside.
Mr. Dog Poop: You’re supposed to lock it down.
Jeff: I know, but it says to push it down slowly. So, I'm waiting. It's getting there. It's getting there.
Mr. Dog Poop: Don’t know how you're holding it. Mine is hot as hell.
Jeff: No, no, no. Not if you hold it the way I'm holding it. See?
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay.
Jeff: This is for people who are cooking sandwiches on cameras that are at their end. So, probably not a common man problem. T here we go. I heard it snap.
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, this is looking good. Looking good, I guess I'm still there. I'm going to cook it a little more.
Jeff: It says something about check the brownness of your sandwiches to see whether they're done and use a non-metallic item to get them off the nonstick surface.
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay. So, you got a bamboo thing? I have silicone.
Jeff: Good. Look at us. We're like Boy scouts. We're prepared for anything.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, we've been cooking here for.
Jeff: Epitome.
Mr. Dog Poop: This is episode 15. I mean, we've been doing this for a long time.
Jeff: Basically, I put on my resume that I host a cooking show and an electronic show.
Mr. Dog Poop: And a piano music show.
Jeff: I am a concerto pianist.
Mr. Dog Poop: You are, yeah. All right, so we got, I can't remember what these were now.
Jeff: You had a grilled cheese and a pizza, right?
Mr. Dog Poop: No, I have a grilled cheese sandwich, which it doesn't seem to cut apart. So, that's like one thing. Grilled cheese and tomato.
Jeff: Yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: And then I have a ham and Swiss.
Jeff: Oh, I've got a roast beef and provolone, which I was going to add peppers and onions to.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, do we want to have Fat Chris come up here and taste these?
Jeff: I think you two should lady and the tramp the sandwich.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. We do that every day at lunch with spaghetti.
Jeff: Oh.
Mr. Dog Poop: Let's have Fat Chris come up here and taste test these two sandwiches and then we'll move on. Here comes Fat Chris.
Jeff: Here we go. The star of the show.
Mr. Dog Poop: Chris, it's hot. It's hot. Ouch. It's a heads up. It's fucking hot. He's running to get a fire extinguisher.
Jeff: Fat Chris, quickly, come close.
Mr. Dog Poop: Somebody give that guy a beer. Somebody give that guy a beer.
Jeff: He's earned at least that. My green light just came on.