Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE! Page-6

Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE!

Page Number:6

Jeff: You spilled an egg on a China desk.

Mr. Dog Poop: A China desk.

Jeff: You just created COVID 23, my friend.

Mr. Dog Poop: I’ve created a new version of COVID.

Jeff: That's the recipe spilled egg on China.

Mr. Dog Poop: It is literally wiping the black off the desk. I've never seen anything like it. I mean, when I shot down that China balloon last week, oh no, man. Now these China paper towels here.

Jeff: So, one thing I'll say compared to the panini press, look at this. Look at how melty that cheese. Oh man, I just dripped all over my computer. This is delicious. It's deformed.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to put sauerkraut in one of my chili dogs.

Jeff: A very smart comment. And a concern from, from TrucksR4Me. Is that egg from Ohio? I don't know if you can tell.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh yeah, it's got a little Trump stamp on it, so I think it is.

Jeff: So, Biden’s poisoning the chickens in Ohio. You heard here first from Mr. Dog Poop.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, it wasn't bad enough that eggs were $50 a dozen. Now they killed all the chickens in Ohio. You can't eat the Ohio eggs. You can't eat any produce from Ohio. You can't visit Ohio. And apparently the water is running into Pennsylvania.

Jeff: You probably don't know the slang when someone refers to somebody as a roast beef or a ham sandwich. This is not appropriate for YouTube. But this is what that sandwich looks like.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, we're going to get banned.

Jeff: Well, I didn't say it. Just if you know the slang, you know that. I'll cook to the next one longer. So, I thought, again, looking at this sandwich that I haven't ripped open, I thought, see that seam right here? I thought you could rip it, but you can’t.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to need a pocket knife. Get your pocketknife out.

Jeff: Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of the design of this compared to the panini press. Like, I mean, I'm mangled up. It’s a roast beef sandwich.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, we're going to see the chili dog. Right? I put a whole bunch of chili hot dogs on it in the panini press. I want to say it's the same but different. I want to say I should probably try to cook a rib eye on here.

Fat Chris: It’s coming out the side.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's coming out the side. What's coming out? Chilly. There's chilly coming out the front of the machine. Oh, it's coming out all over the place.

Jeff: I really wanted to have that like sexy pull. I mean that, that's okay. Let me just eat that separate.

Mr. Dog Poop: Just eat that side. That's the good side. And throw the other side out.

Jeff: This is just mustard and cheese.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. Just throw the other side out. That's not going to work.

Jeff: Mr. Dog Poop, you know I'm going to eat every single thing on my table.

Mr. Dog Poop: And what you don't eat, you're going to put in the refrigerator and feed your kids tomorrow.

Jeff: No, I'll eat it in a couple hours when I'm drunk.

Mr. Dog Poop: When you’re more drunk.

Jeff: Yeah. Leftovers seemed to disappear. Does anyone else have that kitchen bandit at night? Where it's like, I know I had leftovers, and then they just were gone.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, what happened to the leftovers?

Jeff: Yeah. And then you know, you have a stomachache and you're like, well, that's weird. I haven't eaten for 12 hours. And then you realize, oh.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right. This was the egg sandwich.

Jeff: Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: It smells delicious. We'll get Fat Chris over here.

Jeff: The egg that is also a paint remover, correct?

Mr. Dog Poop: Get Fat Chris over here to check these out. Well, I'm going to let them cool down this time. I'm actually going to cut them in half. One is a chili dog sandwich, and one is an egg sandwich, which appears to be okay. I don't know if Maria Russo was saying, don't eat the egg sandwich.