Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE! Page-7

Hot Pocket Sandwich Maker Review - Join us for Beer & Sandwiches LIVE!

Page Number:7

Jeff: No.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, then he's safe.

Jeff: Nothing. All right.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, I'm going to try pepperoni pizza.

Jeff: By the way, Maria Russo in the beginning of this thing.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yep.

Jeff: When my chat was not loading she said 10 bucks says Mr. Dog Poop gets burned within 10 minutes of that being plugged in. Like she could've been two minutes.

Mr. Dog Poop: She missed it by a lot.

Jeff: Well, I mean, her odds were probably not even at 10 minutes. Because in fairness, even I burned myself in 10 minutes.

Mr. Dog Poop: You burned yourself within 10 minutes. I mean, so let's see. I'm going to make a pizza sandwich. So, this is going to be. Which one should it be? This one. I'm going to put some sauce on it. Some pizza sauce.

Jeff: Oh boy.

Mr. Dog Poop: Look at that. Pizza sauce and some delicious pepperoni. Oh, this is going to be good. Fat Chris can't wait for this one. Pepperoni. Oh, great. And we're going to put some mozzarella cheese. Okay. Look at that. This is just like QVC, right?

Jeff: Folks, I got all of this cheese from a certain place. How much cheese? See these squares? How much cheese should I put on a grilled cheese sandwich? I want to test the limits of the integrity of this machine with the grilled cheese. I'm going to throw in two Colby jack squares. That covers up only half. Covers up only half the bread. I’m going to go ahead and finish with four. How many squares of cheese do I need to do to fully test the integrity of this machine?

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, I got a problem. I need a sandwich to make. I'm going to make another hot dog. I'm make another hot dog. I'm going to cut these up into little pieces again. So, we got one chili dog, but let's try a hot dog with good spicy brown mustard. We got spicy brown mustard.

Jeff: There you go. Let's keep any sandwich right there.

Mr. Dog Poop: And some hot dog, which is good. And that can be your favorite hotdog. And some sauerkraut. Look at that. Oh, my goodness. Who wouldn't want to watch this show.

Jeff: BS and Beer is right. I'm going all in. I'm going Colby Jack, pepperjack, Swiss provolone and mild cheddar. I'm lifting this thing up.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm closing the lid on these two. One hot dog. One pizza

Jeff: That's got to butter my outside bread.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, wait, ah, I wanted to put some onions on that hot dog. All right, there we go.

Jeff: Did you have the grilled cheese with tomato?

Mr. Dog Poop: I had the grilled cheese with tomato. It was okay. But I think if I cooked it on the stove. Oh, that's a lot of cheese.

Jeff: That's five cheeses right there.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's five cheeses. Staff, can we get fat Chris out here to taste test the chili dog and the egg sandwich.

Jeff: Oh, it's dripping on my lap.

Mr. Dog Poop: Chris. Jeff, we don't have, we don't have the budget for another pair of shorts. We got Fat Chris out here. He’s taste testing the chili dog. Can you get on camera? It’s a chili dog sandwich. It's good. He's taking a second bite. Oh, it's too hot. It's too fucking hot. He’s leaving.

Jeff: Give us a smile.

Mr. Dog Poop: You got to get him over here on the egg sandwich.

Jeff: Oh, he is back. Thank God.

Mr. Dog Poop: He's back. He's going to try the egg sandwich. It tastes like an egg sandwich. Tastes like an egg sandwich. Did I put cheese on it? I didn't put cheese on.

Jeff: He knew that answer really quick thing.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh man. I didn't put cheese on it.

Jeff: All right. I can't close mine with all of the cheese I put on.

Mr. Dog Poop: Take your time. Just stand on it.

Jeff: All right. I'm just pushing it down with my hands. It said to be gentle with it. Ow. Should start over. Let's go Lenovo.