InBev, Dukes of Hazzard and more Daily headlines Page-1

InBev, Dukes of Hazzard and more Daily headlines

Page Number:1

Mr. Dog Poop: Tony, the rest of my news team. And today is the last day with Mr. Dog Poop being a news anchor.

Jeff: Oh, darn.

Mr. Dog Poop: Aren't you sad?

Jeff: Well, we got to keep the floor demand stuff going. That's all I'll say.

Mr. Dog Poop: You want to keep the floor demand stuff going. I haven't had any offers from CNN, FOX, OEN, Breitbart. None of them. None of them.

Jeff: CNN, I'm kind of surprised, but the other ones, not so much.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I thought this was going to be my big breakthrough a couple days of news and I'd have a job. But here I am stuck with Jeff Macolino.

Jeff: That's what Jenna Ortega said. She thought she'd get the Wednesday Adam role at age 10, and she had to wait till 20.

Mr. Dog Poop: She had to wait until 20. She's been waiting around 10 years to get her big break.

Jeff: So, it means when I'm 72 and you're a little older than that, we'll get our big break together, right? Double your age.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're not going to be 72, Jeff.

Jeff: Oh God, no. No.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's not going to happen.

Jeff: Thirsty Thursday. Let's go. Thank you Jay Frog for joining us.

Mr. Dog Poop: Do you want to know the big story? Internet's blowing up, man. This is the biggest story. It's probably the biggest story of the year. It's probably going to go down. You know, we thought Wednesday was big with Jenna Ortega, but this is blowing up the internet right now. You ready?

Jeff: Probably not because I haven't seen it yet.

Mr. Dog Poop: Joe and Jill Biden went to a restaurant called The Red Hen, and they ordered the same dish. The entire internet is blowing up and people are saying, why the hell do they order the same thing? Everyone is angry. It's on all the news shows. It's on all the social media channels. People are that they ordered the same pasta dish.

Jeff: They didn't order one to share. They ordered one each. Right?

Mr. Dog Poop: They ordered one each.

Jeff: The same thing. Okay.

Mr. Dog Poop: Mezzi rigatoni, $24 dish consisting of tomato, fennel, sausage, Ragu, Pecarino Romano seems like unconventional thing to order on date night. But the idea is they both ordered the same thing. And now there, there's a debate on Twitter, there's a debate on Facebook, there's a debate on everything, whether this was the stupidest thing he's done as the President of the United States.

Jeff: I would argue this is the thing he's done as the President of the United States that I most endorse and agree with.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're ordering the same dish? Everybody's upset. Everybody's upset.

Jeff: Well, rigatoni is the best pasta.

Mr. Dog Poop: But they both ordered it. This is what people are upset about.

Jeff: So what? My point, maybe that's why I'm divorced.

Mr. Dog Poop: Instead of having two dishes that they could share.

Jeff: No, I don't share my food. I'll take other people's food, but I don't share.

Mr. Dog Poop: The thing is, they could have ordered two, three dishes. They think they have the money for it.

Jeff: I don't know. Times are tough.

Mr. Dog Poop: They're selling Hunter Biden's paintings.

Jeff: Did they get a couple appetizers or something? Because that I give you,

Mr. Dog Poop: It didn't come up.

Jeff: Oh, you know, it just popped into my head. And Jay Frog, actually has the comments, so credit to him. In fairness, Joe has no idea he was even at dinner. Jill just ordered one, one for the restaurant and one for home. That could be it too. She just said, we'll take two of those.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I mean, this is, first of all, it's anti-American to go out and eat and not get Uber Eats. So, people should be upset about that because he's costing people jobs.

Jeff: Right. Delivering to the White House. I expect at least a $10 tip.