InBev, Dukes of Hazzard and more Daily headlines Page-10

InBev, Dukes of Hazzard and more Daily headlines

Page Number:10

Mr. Dog Poop: Do you think that there's a huge element in the school that's pushing your daughter to become a boy?

Jeff: No, because my daughter talks to her parents.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're terrified. You're terrified as a parent. You're terrified as a parent. Your kid's going to go to school one day as a girl and come home as a boy.

Jeff: Not. I'm not terrified at all. I'm terrified for other people's wellbeing in the future of this world, if they're convinced to do something that's irreversible at a young age when they're still an impressionable child. And all of this reads pedophilia to me; all of this obsession about children's sex is gross. It's disgusting to me. And most of the studies on these things were pedophilia-based studies. You know, Kinsey did some grotesque things.

Mr. Dog Poop: You got a lot to say about pedophilia, man. You better be careful what you're saying. You want to have a career after tomorrow.

Jeff: I'm just saying, you could do some research on the subject, but bantering about it and just trying to make people feel good and happy and catering to certain groups of people when I don't give a shit what you do to yourself as an adult, how you are. I fully believe in people having that issue and it is a real thing. The transgender thing, and obviously gay and lesbians. Yes, children can be gay and lesbian, that's fine.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, it's okay?

Jeff: So, we can't keep this bridge building until you're saying you should start doing surgery on two-year-olds because they like the color pink better than blue.

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, it's okay to be gay or lesbian, but it's not okay to be transgender.

Jeff: It is okay to be transgender. It absolutely is.

Mr. Dog Poop: As long as it’s not your kid.

Jeff: Kids not being allowed to make a life altering decision; a child should not be allowed to make a surgical, top surgery decision.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is a 17-year-old a child?

Jeff: Yes. A 17-year-old is a child.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is a 35-year-old a child?

Jeff: Well, I don't consider them one, but some of them act like one.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yes, some of them do.

Jeff: TrucksR4Me, that's absolutely false. Those books have not been banned in Florida. They're actually books on the required reading list. That's a Mark Hamel tweet that was disproven. If you're talking in Florida, I don't know.

Mr. Dog Poop: What’s TruckR4Me?

Jeff: She said books have been banned. The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird. Catcher in the Rye. Those are all incorrect.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay.

Jeff: All incorrect. Yeah. Again, this is the problem is if people are just catering and taking headlines and not having any nuanced thought about it. It's just, if this side likes it, it's good. And if this side likes it, it's bad. And there's no cognitive thoughts in between.

Mr. Dog Poop: I agree. There there's no discussion. There's no discussion about it. There's no debate. We can't go and watch a debate about the subject because everybody's so focused on their side. They don't give a shit.

Jeff: I'm not focused on either side. And guess what, I'm fine with them working at a slaughterhouse at 13. That's a job. I had jobs. I gardened for my aunt when I was 11, and I got paid money to do it. That's not child labor. When I was 16, I worked construction.

Mr. Dog Poop: You can legally hire your kids at like five years old if they're your kids.

Jeff: I was a day laborer on a construction site 40 hours a week in a hundred-degree weather in the summer. Is that child labor? I'm three years older than those kids working in the slaughterhouse. I don't consider that taking money.

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, there's a marked difference between I run a restaurant with Mrs. Dog Poop, and we have kids and we're having them serve the tables or work and help us. They're our kids. We're not going to abuse. We might abuse them, but sending them out to do a job with other people is a different situation. And there are different laws.