Mountain House Adventure Meals - A LIVE prep & taste test of 4 freeze dried survival meals with Beer Page-2

Mountain House Adventure Meals - A LIVE prep & taste test of 4 freeze dried survival meals with Beer

Page Number:2

Jeff: I am lucky this one was near the top.

Mr. Dog Poop: And the millions of people that are going to watch this show, we just saved their lives. Cause they're going to open this up, pour water in it, and they didn't know there was a do not eat pack down at the bottom of the package.

Jeff: Yeah. Here's the contents.

Mr. Dog Poop: Is that the scrambled eggs?

Jeff: This is the Fettuccini Alfredo with chicken.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, you can actually see the chicken chunks in there?

Jeff: I can see the chicken chunk.

Mr. Dog Poop: You take a chicken chunk out and chew on it. That's a chicken.

Jeff: I mean, I assume so.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. So, it's just dried. It's live chicken.

Jeff: It’s dry. You tell me to try it.

Mr. Dog Poop: Or whatever. Yeah, you can eat it. It doesn't need water. It's probably like chicken chips.

Jeff: The texture is disgusting. It tastes like eating sand at the beach. But the texture's terrible.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, hopefully when we put water right. When we put water in it, I'm waiting for my water. This show might go a little long if we have to wait for this water to heat up.

Jeff: Man Show, we're going to watch water boil today.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're going to watch water boil. So, this one takes one and a third. This one take one cup. This one takes one and a half cups, and this one takes one and three quarter cups. So, there's no way I'm going to get that right. And I'd like to give Mountain Adventure meals. They're not paying us. We bought these meals with our own money, but if they want to send us some, we're doing a good review on them. Of course, it might be good, or it might be bad. But feel free to send them over to us and then we'll shout out to everybody and say, you're a good company.

Jeff: Yeah. I mean, survival wise, just looking at the nutrition label, it seems like for the whole container, seems like, good amount of protein.

Mr. Dog Poop: These are good. These are really good. When they freeze dry it, they don't take any of the nutrition out of it. They're just taking the water out of it. And you know this compared to the MREs that we had, you just throw water in here and you're going to have a meal.

Jeff: I don't want to hear anything about MREs for a while.

Mr. Dog Poop: I am a little bit afraid of the scrambled eggs. So, these open pretty well. They open nice and easily.

Jeff: Super easy.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yep.

Jeff: When you pour the water in the zipper here, you reseal.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's a little weird.

Jeff: Oh yeah. Lemme see the overhead of that.

Mr. Dog Poop: It looks like egg crouton. It looks like croutons. It literally looks like croutons.

Jeff: Sure, you remember the do not eat pack?

Mr. Dog Poop: I almost forgot the do not eat pack. All right, let's get them all opened. We'll get them all opened up. Why don't you go ahead and get a pitcher of a microwave of water or three or four cups, whatever you're going to get.

Jeff: Yeah. I got to say the chicken fried rice is colorful. I got all three of my poison packets out.

Mr. Dog Poop: You got three. Oh, that looks great.

Jeff: Colorful. You got carrots and peas.

Mr. Dog Poop: That looks like dry soup mix.

Jeff: Yeah. And you can see the rice in there.

Dr. Dog Poop: Yeah. These top tear off pretty nice. Always got to find that do not eat pack.

Jeff: I do have this left over for the scrambled eggs by the way.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, you like that on your scrambled eggs. But Jeff, while I was opening these, you were supposed to go get your water.

Jeff: Yeah, I'm going to go just like in the wilderness and go microwave some water.