Mr. Dog Poop: This might have eggs in it too?
Jeff: Oh yeah. Fried rice should have eggs in it. One of the recipes I've learned recently.
Mr. Dog Poop: Show that.
Jeff: That looks pretty edible.
Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know if I can eat anymore after sucking that poop through a straw. All right. See now the stove boiled that water really fast. It didn't blow up. I mean, that's the best thing about this little camping stove. I actually like this from my desk. Oh, freaking. Oh, you know, a potholder would have been nice. One of the, ah, it's boiling coming out.
Jeff: I'm starting to think you might have some sort of kink with burning yourself. And I have some sort of kink of pouring water on my crotch. Cause we seem to do it every episode.
Mr. Dog Poop: This is the beef stew. And this takes one in three quarter cups of water. That's a lot of water. It is literally boiling in there. Okay. That's what that looks like inside. And it says caution hot, but since we don't really pay attention. Ouch, all right. I may either not know how to close a bag or I may have damaged the seal. Nope. What I did forget to do is stir it up. Right.
Jeff: All right. I just stirred all three. I don't know if it's been five minutes. I'm not doing a good job keeping track of time today.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, can you ask somebody in the chat? Is there anybody in the chat that knows how long they've been?
Jeff: No. Not at the moment. I don't think they want us to eat good food in the chat.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, they're going to wait till it's like soggy and miserable. So, I mean, I got a smorgasbord of stuff here. It's a little buffet.
Jeff: The fun part's going to be is I'm holding these scrambled eggs and it is very hot in my hand. It says to carefully drain the excess water.
Mr. Dog Poop: What? Why would there be?
Jeff: Yeah, carefully drain the excess water and then stir and enjoy out of the pouch. Draining the excess water, I don't know how clean that's going to end up going for me.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's going to end up on your shorts.
Jeff: I feel like you're going to lose a lot of the food.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's going to end up on your shorts.
Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. That's what I'm thinking.
Mr. Dog Poop: The good news is next week we're going to be doing some soldering. So instead of water, you're going to have hot molten lead that can drip on your shorts.
Jeff: Oh, good, good. Yeah.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's going to be pretty exciting. So next week we're going to be doing STEM projects. And these are projects you can get for under $30 on Amazon from 10 to $20 typically. And they're for 8- to 13-year-olds. And we're going to try to do them. We're going to review them as adults. And really the idea of next week is to get parents to understand that they can get their kids interested in something more than TikTok and watching idiots like us on YouTube.
Jeff: Yeah, Beer says 30 minutes and I know he's lying because it's not even 6:30.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's been 30 minutes since we came on. I don't know.
Jeff: I mean, I feel like it's been like at least three minutes since I mixed it. So, it's only another minute before the drain time.
Mr. Dog Poop: These are survival meals, right? You are on the trail, you're dying, you're trying to just get enough nutrition so that you don't die and you're starving to death and you're waiting how long to eat.
Jeff: That's part of it. That's exactly.
Mr. Dog Poop: First thing you got to do is find some clean water. Then you have to boil it, then you have to wait. So, while you're starving to death, it's cooking
Jeff: And then you have to open it, smell it and stir it.