P-51 Mustang Erector Set for Kids - Live Assembly and Review by 2 Grown Men Drinking Beer Page-1

P-51 Mustang Erector Set for Kids - Live Assembly and Review by 2 Grown Men Drinking Beer

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Mr. Dog Poop: Mr. Dog Poop here. Another episode of The Man's Show. Yesterday was the Super Bowl. Jeff. My producer's having problems over here. Yesterday was the Super Bowl. What'd you think?

Jeff: Let's just say I pleasured myself quite a bit to the pain that the people of Philadelphia were feeling.

Mr. Dog Poop: You don't like Philadelphia?

Jeff: No, not, not even a bit

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, because your ex-wife is from Philadelphia. Your kids are from Philadelphia. Your mother's from Philadelphia.

Jeff: Not just that. It's a dumpy place. Nothing good come out of there since Rocky Balboa.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. Rocky Balboa.

Jeff: He’s not even real.

Mr. Dog Poop: It doesn't matter.

Mr. Dog Poop: Philadelphia, Rocky vindicates.

Jeff: It’s a fictional character.

Mr. Dog Poop: But he vindicates Philadelphia. They're worthwhile now. I feel bad for the Philadelphia fans. I mean, that was a shitty call in the end. There were shitty calls in the middle of the game. Man, your quarterback fumbles. What the hell was that?

Jeff: Yeah, he just seemed like he was allergic to the football.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, by the way, I got to tell you NFL warned us no recounts of the game without NFL permission. We don't have their permission, so we're probably going to get fined for talking about it. But go ahead. Go ahead.

Jeff: No, I don't care. Roger Goodell has been an enemy of mine for a long time. Although Glen might have a case with the tuck rule nobody ever can complain about officiating in a big game more than a Saints fan can. Getting literally robbed out of a Super Bowl by Roger Goodell's goons. Because they wanted Los Angeles to get a Super Bowl team their first year. The Rams. Worst refereeing thing ever.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, not only do you believe in the government conspiracies, you also believe in conspiracies in the NFL.

Jeff: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: Just to clear it up.

Jeff: Not conspiracy. It's true.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right, let's get started with another episode of The Man Show. So today, what are we doing? We're doing STEM week. We're going to show parents, mostly fathers like you. How do you get your kids interested in science, technology, engineering, and math? And I was able to say that cause I have it written down on a thing up there.

Jeff: I was going to say, how did you memorize that?

Mr. Dog Poop: I didn't memorize it. I had to look it up on Google and then write it down. So, you want parents to understand that you have to continue to stimulate your kids. And we got five projects this week that are available for under $25. We're building robots on Wednesday. Solar robots. We got a soldering project. We have a science kit. We're going to like do some science experiments with chemicals and stuff.

Jeff: Alright, I thought we were going to make meth.

Mr. Dog Poop: Nah, nah, we're not teaching kids how to make meth. We're teaching kids how to do science.

Jeff: Well, kids aren't watching this.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're teaching kids how to do science. What they do with their science career is going to be up to them. But for now, we just want to get them interested. So today, we have this model. Again, we purchased these. These are not product endorsements. We don't know if these are any good or bad, but it's for ages six and up. And we are definitely six and up. We're definitely six and up. So, we're going to see if we can actually assemble this on the show.

Jeff: Yeah. So, in fairness my maturity level is.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, your maturity level is less than six.

Jeff: My bones are way more than six.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm glad you got that knife. You got your zombie apocalypse knife.

Jeff: Oh, you know it. I kind open the Amazon box with this. Just to get to this.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is a strange box. We may not even get through opening the box.