Jeff: Be done soon. I mean, that's what happens when you're drunk sometimes too. Time's up. No, but I'm not done yet.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, I think this maybe these are the two wings. How do the wings attach?
Jeff: I don't know if I'm going to even have a semblance of a plane done.
Mr. Dog Poop: I love this product. I don't know about six-year-olds, but I love this product. If you get three or four of these kits, you could build. If you're creative, you can build all kinds of stuff. This is way better than being on TikTok. Way better than being on TikTok to give kids a few hours and then when you build something and then you can take it apart and build something else. I don't know about the wheels though. Oh, I got an idea.
Jeff: Oh well at least I know what the wheels are. So, I'm going to take those to the side cause at least I know what I'm doing with these.
Mr. Dog Poop: This thing's going to flop.
Jeff: No, these are this long slanted green piece that's part of the bottom of the wing.
Mr. Dog Poop: I got it. I got it going. I think this is a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. I mean, it's got gussets and bent pieces. Oh, I mean, as a kid I would've loved to have something like this where you could just sit there and just build anything you want and fabricate things. This is tremendous. Okay.
Jeff: Yeah, I just wanted, when I was a kid, to get on the computer and look at Carmen Electra's boobs.
Mr. Dog Poop: You know what? This is why you turned out the way you did because you didn't have STEM projects.
Jeff: I had the internet.
Mr. Dog Poop: You had the internet.
Jeff: By the way, Carmen Electra is still looking pretty good.
Mr. Dog Poop: This must be so the propeller. It's got four propellers, but they don't stay together. So, I guess I'm going to put this kind of like poker chips. So, you could probably like play with your friends, play poker for pieces.
Jeff: Actually, I would endorse that. Creates a sense of entrepreneurial spirit with the children.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yep. So, I think I have these little triangles here. Oh yeah, that's going to make a propeller. That's going to be unbalanced. I guess that's not what we're going for. It's not like we're going to hook a motor up to it. I'm still on the propeller. No man, can't get the bolt.
Jeff: And I'm doing this high-tech stuff over here.
Mr. Dog Poop: Plus, I think it'd be easier if you had smaller hands.
Jeff: Yeah, I'm actually thinking having six year old hands might actually be a benefit because I feel like arthritis is coming on.
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, it says six on the box, six plus. I mean, I'll agree with the plus. Definitely agree with the plus.
Jeff: I feel like a six-year-old can do this. They're a really smart kid.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, I feel like a six-year-old can do this. Well this is the whole point of these types of projects is to challenge kids early. And if your six-year-old can put this together. All right, so now it doesn't turn anymore. Now you screwed it up, Jeff. But this looks exactly like the plane on the box.
Jeff: Sorry. I got so much of a forearm workout watching Eagles fans' reaction videos last night. I was struggling with this. I can't even find the propeller.
Mr. Dog Poop: I hope my schoolteachers aren't watching this.
Jeff: Mine all thought I was mentally handicapped already, so it's cool.
Mr. Dog Poop: So, they were right.
Jeff: Well yeah, they weren't wrong. Oh, I found it. I think this is it.
Mr. Dog Poop: I think the problem is that I only got 258 pieces and I need 285 to actually build it.
Jeff: So, the thing I just had built, I dropped on the floor.
Mr. Dog Poop: You dropped your nuts on the floor.