Playz Electric Piano Circuit Board - Review and Playing by 2 Overgrown Kids Drinking Beer Page-8

Playz Electric Piano Circuit Board - Review and Playing by 2 Overgrown Kids Drinking Beer

Page Number:8

Jeff: Yeah. We actually were doing Beethoven before we went on the air. Like we're both expert piano players. You'll just have to take our word.

Mr. Dog Poop: We’re expert mini piano players.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: These keys or so small. You can't even get your fingers on them.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. And the notes are not really crisp, I will say.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, it's a cool sound effect. Oh, that's what this is, the melody thing that makes melodies.

Jeff: Oh.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, that plays melodies as opposed to actually, you know, simple music.

Jeff: All right. Somebody throw up the notes in the comments that Mary had a little lamb.

Mr. Dog Poop: Somebody throw up the notes. Can you play it?

Jeff: I mean, if I can figure out what's notes.

Mr. Dog Poop: Can somebody send us a layout of the notes that are played by the keyboard, then we could.

Jeff: Yeah. Anyone who plays the pianos, like the C’s right there. I don’t know.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. Yeah.

Jeff: I used to know where. I used to probably be able to point to this and say, there's that. That's the C note.

Mr. Dog Poop: We should send these to one of the people in the chat and then zoom them in next week and let them show us how to play it. But we're going to take all the wires off and you're going to have to build it first. Good luck.

Jeff: We shouldn't give them the manual either.

Mr. Dog Poop: Nope. No man, no directions. We might not even give them batteries.

Jeff: You know, I'm looking at it. I'm wondering if we didn't look at this, just the fact that credit to me for one thing, I did get the light just by saying, I wonder if I could just turn this light on. I wonder if we could have figured out one of these, other than just the lights. I wonder if we could have figured out one of these other effects. Not, definitely not this one.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I figured out the potentiometer, I made the potentiometer works, so the light was going on and off. But other than the resistor, the LEDs, the potentiometer and switches, you don't have a schematic of a melody thing here. We know how the speaker works, we know how the batteries work. That's basic. We're playing a keyboard but look at all these things down here. What are these hooked to? What is 45 hooked to? I would think that the keyboard would be powered through the keyboard.

Jeff: Yeah, all of these are left unplugged. I'm going to glance through the manual just to see if there's anything for 41 through 45. There is, oh boy.

Mr. Dog Poop: I have some diodes. Oh, so what they do is so they take like 44 and they put it through a diode and they put it through.

Jeff: Where the hell's 11?

Mr. Dog Poop: Let's do a green LED. 44.

Jeff: Yeah, they do definitely get more complicated. I don't know if you can see how many connections you need for this last experiment, but it's a lot.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, it's just wiring the LEDs in.

Jeff: Hey, TrucksR4Me, we're at least as smart as an eight plus year old. That’s the minimum age.

Mr. Dog Poop: What was the comment?

Jeff: Yes, just as smart as an eight-year-old. I mean, it’s eight plus, so we don't know what the plus could be.

Mr. Dog Poop: It’s eight plus. We could be nine-year-olds. Well, Jeff could be. I'm the sixth year old. I'm the six-year-old copying from the eight year old, right? I mean, I just hooked this up through the light. So, it was on 40 and it basically just takes the...let me see if I have it backwards.

Jeff: My connections.

Mr. Dog Poop: I hooked it up. So, it basically just turns off when you play the key. So, what's going to, when I hit this key, I don't know if you can see the green LED, but when you hit the key, it goes off.