Preparing Food for The Zombie Apocalypse Page-2

Preparing Food for The Zombie Apocalypse

Page Number:2

Jeff:  Yep. We're up and running. Looks like we're still going on YouTube as well. As

Mr. Dog Poop: it looks like fat Chris dripped a little food on the keyboard over there and took us offline. Hopefully we're on the same stream.

[Interposed talking11:06]

Jeff: He eaten yesterday's Ruben over there by the--

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, he's eaten, the Ruben that he took one bite out of yesterday and left it on his keyboard. So this looks like a spare thing. And yeah, I don't even have a clue, Jeff, on how this thing how does this work?

Jeff: Well, we're going to try to Figure it out. 

Mr. Dog Poop: There's a piece of cardboard in there.

Jeff: As you said, if a woman can use it, we should be able to.

Mr. Dog Poop: Maybe I should think before I open my mouth,

Jeff: This might be a big step forward for feminism.

Mr. Dog Poop: This might be a big step forward for feminism. All right, girls, we apologize. We apologize.

Jeff: All right, well, I'm plugged in now. Let's see if I can figure out the rest.

Mr. Dog Poop: Ah, it says dry, moist, gentle. I mean, is this is a vacuuming sealer or is it for giving yourself a blowjob?

Jeff: I mean, I would much prefer the second thing. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Dry Moisture. Gentle. And what does this thing do?

Jeff: That's the most confusing part. It's almost like a typewriter. Like do you have to slide it?

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know what it does.

Jeff: Oh boy. I'm--

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't even know. Then there's a seal button. All right, we're just going to have to, we'll practice with some of these things. Let me get mine plugged in.

Jeff: Yeah, I'm plugged in. Operating the equipment sealing. Dry pumping, moist pumping. Yeah. I don't know if this, did you buy a sex toy on accident? Moist pumping, dry pumping.

Mr. Dog Poop: Can you get a six toy for 19.99? Because

Jeff: I mean, I wouldn't stick my member in it, but you probably .

Mr. Dog Poop: You probably already have, and that's probably why it doesn't work.

Jeff: No comment. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Did you hit the dry moisture gentle button when you did that?

Jeff: Oh, I definitely did it moist.

Mr. Dog Poop: So , I guess you throw something in here.

Jeff: Yeah, it looks like you just throw something in a bag,

Mr. Dog Poop: Throw something in a bag

Jeff: Ones it came with are pretty small.

Mr. Dog Poop: They're kind of small bags. Yeah. So

Jeff: I had this frozen steak that I was unaware you're not supposed to store in the packaging in the freezer that you bought it in.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, no, you can't do that. So how does it go on? 

Jeff: I Did .

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, I'm put, wait this, oh, I think this is a cutter or something,

Jeff: But this looks like this should fit in here. So at least it'll give it a good test. Even if I have Styrofoam poisoning or whatever the hell

Mr. Dog Poop: No, it doesn't do anything. I really feel like we should have been more prepared, but in the tradition of the Man Show, episode four fat Chris took us offline and we have no preparation and no idea how this thing works. So

Jeff: We're going to, we're going to learn it. This will be the best instructional video out--

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, wait, it's blowing or something? Blowing air.

Jeff: I don't know how to turn it off.

Mr. Dog Poop: There's no, you can't turn it off

Jeff: Where do you keep the bag.

Mr. Dog Poop: I have it on moist seal. 

Jeff: Place the bag opening into this gray slot.

Mr. Dog Poop: Which slot?

Jeff: When you open it, there's a little sticker that says, always place the bag opening into this gray slot.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, so we put the bag opening there, but so if I say dry, okay. Feels like it's vacuuming the bag, I guess. Oh,