Preparing Food for The Zombie Apocalypse Page-9

Preparing Food for The Zombie Apocalypse

Page Number:9

Mr. Dog Poop: So we liberated the egg from the, we liberated the egg from the other vacuum sealer. And let's put it in this one and see if we can vacuum seal and egg. Here we go

Jeff: I'm curious. If the shell holds up to the Pressure. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, that's, that's what I'm concerned about.

Jeff: I kind of want to see it explode.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right. Here we go. Count down 40 seconds.

Jeff: Viewers may think I was joking. I'm seriously regifting this,

Mr. Dog Poop: So I was really hoping this was going to be successful, Jeff. Because I was hoping to I was hoping to be able to vacuum pack some oregano. I have a little bag of oregano here that I want to vacuum pack. And I have a little scale here to make sure we only vacuum pack the right amount in the bag. The food saver bags. And it looks like the egg survived vacuum sealing.

Jeff: Nice.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's going to be one miserable chicken when it comes out. . That's going to be one pissed off chicken. All right, we gotta try the beer. We gotta try beer in here.

Jeff: Oh, yeah, yeah,

Mr. Dog Poop: We gotta try beer and see what happens with that. So theoretically, theoretically, the beer is going to boil. Science tells me that it's going to start boiling the beer. But we have now we're going to make the ultimate beer bag. I have to go around in the front to all right. We are vacuum sealing beer. It is definitely. Woo. It's boiling. It's going to explode. It's foaming out. The whole beer thing is foaming out. The whole thing. It's exploding. The whole thing is exploding. Beer. It's all boiling. It's filling up the whole machine. It's filling up the whole vacuum pop. It's boiling the beer. This is not what I had planned. I don't think there's going to be any beer left in the bag.

Jeff: see what your stupid science to that beer.

Mr. Dog Poop: Damn it BS and beer. Oh, man. That's it. There’s nothing left in the bag. It just, oh my God.

Jeff: We witnessed a crime against humanity on this channel today.

Mr. Dog Poop: this is the death of my vacuum sealer it is full of beer. All my food is going to be full of beer so when the zombie apocalypse happens and I go to eat something, it's all going to be beer.

Jeff: Low key. That was a good move.

Mr. Dog Poop: And I didn't even get to vacuum seal my oregano.

Jeff: Hmm. I can help you dispose of that oregano.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to take this or oregano and I'll deal with that later. Oh my goodness. Do you know how much I just, it just cost me $300 to destroy this machine. 19.95 For the other machine. I can probably liberate this egg. The beers not-- we are never vacuum sealing anything ever again. This show was a disaster. Nothing worked. The devices didn't work. We wasted beer.

Jeff: Hey fat, Chris, make sure you clipped the beginning of the episode where, where he said that if women can use it, we'll be able to figure out . .

Mr. Dog Poop: Give me to get all the beer out of this thing. Let's try. Oh my goodness. Alright. Oh,

Jeff: I gotta give BS beer a little credit here too. He said you put the crappy one in the fake sealer and ship it back. But now you ruin the big sealer with your beer. So the

Mr. Dog Poop: Big sealer is done. The big sealer is it is fully contaminated. Even if I wipe all this out, there's still beer. I don't even know what happened over here. I don't even know. I'm probably not going to survive this but let’s try a can of beer.

Jeff: Oh my goodness.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm going to try a whole can of beer.

Jeff: You're taking it, you're taking it up a notch.