Testing Out A Panini Press - Cooking a Ribeye Page-13

Testing Out A Panini Press - Cooking a Ribeye

Page Number:13

Jeff Macolino: That's not a bad idea. I'll see what I can do. They were there this past weekend, but I did not go. It was sold out actually according to the sign.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well plus you don't have the money to buy a ticket.

Jeff Macolino: No I’m saving all my money. I've got to go donate sperm as much as I can so I can afford eggs for next week.

Mr. Dog Poop: We got to do the egg steamers. We're gonna do the egg steamers, next week. So these sausages are looking pretty good. These are Italian sausages. Looking pretty good. These are looking pretty good.

Jeff Macolino: I'm fairly certain you could cook a whole breakfast on this thing. Without closing it you could easily put you know put some eggs on here, the sausage.

Mr. Dog Poop: I just did but it was on bread and you know this probably doesn't look very appetizing unless you like soft eggs or like don't wrestlers drink like raw eggs? Didn't you have a wrestler on your podcast and don't they drink like 20 raw eggs every morning?

Jeff Macolino: Well rocky balboa did but you know…

Mr. Dog Poop: Well that was back in the old days when they didn't know that they would kill you.

Jeff Macolino: Yeah. I heard that only if the chicken has a disease will it kill you. So if it’s your chicken you could probably eat raw eggs. If they're not I guess they're kind of just you know doing what I do when I hook up with a lady just cross your fingers and hope they're clean.

Mr. Dog Poop: You hook up with ladies?

Jeff Macolino: You know, on occasions.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay, so we got some sausages here that look like they're cooked. So we know we can cook sausages. Oh, that's good. I'm saving that for myself.

Jeff Macolino: Oh that looks like a good, yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: Last thing and then we'll end the show. I have a couple of soft pretzels over here. I thought it would be cool to make a panini sandwich on a couple of soft pretzels. I got a bunch of stuff over here. Any ideas on what would be a good sandwich?

Jeff Macolino: On a pretzel? Well, you probably want to go with something that's not going to leak through the hole.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's all going to leak through. Should we make a pretzel Reuben?

Jeff Macolino: It'll be messy but if you got the stuff.

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean we made donuts last night, can't be any worse than that.

Jeff Macolino: Presumably. Now see, you should have made Reuben donuts.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, and we also have a pizza over here. We didn't cook that. So I got two pretzels. So we'll put a pretzel on there and I guess I’m out of plates. Pretzel, corned beef. This is not going to fit. This is going to be one of those, it doesn't fit. We're going to end the show with this and I’m going to eat it because it's going to be something spectacular.

Jeff Macolino: Oh yeah.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is gonna make the donuts look like a joke.

Jeff Macolino: I mean the donuts in fairness already kind of look like a joke.

Mr. Dog Poop: Are you talking about the donuts we made? So I guess the-- how do I put Russian dressing?

Jeff Macolino: Yeah, why not.

Mr. Dog Poop: How do I put a Russian dress on a pretzel?

Jeff Macolino: I think that's the way to do it.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, the pretzel moved. So let's see. Probably Gordon Ramsay and all these chefs are probably watching us and saying these guys are idiots.

Jeff Macolino: Well he's not wrong.

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay so it's gonna be my dinner. I mean you got to get creative. Definitely of the three reviews we've done, do you think this is the best?

Jeff Macolino: This is definitely the thing that will get the most used.

Mr. Dog Poop: This will get used. You'll be able to put two pieces of bread, whatever, make a sandwich, make a ribeye make a sausage. We had a lot of stuff that we actually didn't cook but $35, I would probably invest a little more money in something a little bit bigger