Testing Out A Panini Press - Cooking a Ribeye Page-6

Testing Out A Panini Press - Cooking a Ribeye

Page Number:6

Jeff Macolino: At least not with these tiny little baby appliances. I feel like that's the crux of the problem because it's really for a small—

Mr. Dog Poop: Okay so I’ve got two of these. I'm not excited about this one. The hell, man.

Jeff Macolino: Oh I just lost a piece of cheese.

Mr. Dog Poop: So I got two paninis. Can you see those? Oh, I almost lost it again. I got two paninis.

Jeff Macolino: If you drop that on the floor, fat Chris is going to storm out.

Mr. Dog Poop: These are reubens. Oh, that's hot. Damn it! Damn it, Chris you made me burn my finger. Now it goes down to burn my table because now that it's up the fit is up, now it won't-- oh damn it, why does cooking have to be so complicated? Oh, what the hell. It used to be a grill that you could lay down but now that I put two sandwiches in it… so I’m going to take these over like fat Chris, we're going to see what-- I don't, they don't look pretty. We're gonna find out.

Jeff Macolino: I think they look okay. I'm gonna take this bagel one off here. I don't think it's turning out well. There we go. It just didn't really flatten.

Mr. Dog Poop: You have to crush it.

Jeff Macolino: It's flatter than it was, let me try a little longer.

Mr. Dog Poop: So I think you can-- I don't know I can't get the thing to, I can't fix it so I’m going to put some water on it and try to—

Jeff Macolino: Oh the pepper's falling out. All right. The cheese is really melted. I can tell if it's melted all over the griddle. This made more of a mess than anything. Let's see if I can make it—

Mr. Dog Poop: You got to cook it longer. Did you see how long I cooked my Reubens? Fat Chris, did you taste that? He's not tasting it. He's afraid to taste it. I'm gonna throw a rib eye on here. We're gonna go for it.

Jeff Macolino: I want to see that.

Mr. Dog Poop: This is the man show, we're going for a now, previously frozen but still pretty good, I got it seasoned with salt and pepper. Oh yeah! Do you hear that searing?

Jeff Macolino: Look at that. I just don't know if it's going to be hot enough to get a nice medium rare.

Mr. Dog Poop: It doesn't seem very hot, does it?

Jeff Macolino: No.

Mr. Dog Poop: It just seared it. It just seared the top just by touching it so…

Jeff Macolino: Maybe it's hotter than it seems.

Mr. Dog Poop: Maybe it's hotter than it seems. I mean I’m literally going to be cooking till midnight to feed all the people in the studio. Yesterday I didn't have any knives and it is the man show so I needed a knife for the steak plus I got some tomatoes that I want to cut up so I brought a selection of knives. I got that one, we got that knife or we got the zombie survival knife which is pretty cool. Has a saw on it definitely. Definitely should be able to cut a sandwich in half. So while the steak is cooking, it's looking pretty good.

Jeff Macolino: I'm invested in this steak.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm investing in it too. I'm going to try to cut some tomatoes here, tomato slices. Oh yeah! You know it's really rewarding when you have a knife like that that literally cuts like a razor blade. I mean it just slices through it like it's a zombie's head. That's something beautiful.

Jeff Macolino: All right, this is pretty good by the way.

Mr. Dog Poop: So I want to make a sandwich with an egg and cheese. I don't have any bacon, I do have ham. So while we're waiting for this rib eye to cook which is looking pretty good. Yeah, it's looking pretty good. I think Chris is waiting for the rib eye. I think he gave up on the Reubens and he's waiting for the ribeye.