Jeff Macolino: That sounded like a good oh my goodness!
Mr. Dog Poop: It's just that we've never had a successful cooking show. I mean we've had two episodes, 50% of our episodes have been cooking and they've all been a failure. So this is really good.
Jeff Macolino: We’re rocking and rolling now.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah we're rocking and rolling with now three episodes and 66 percent of our episodes have been cooking shows and half of those were a success.
Jeff Macolino: There you go. Marie Russo said that fact Chris is cuter than both of us so I picked her off this.
Mr. Dog Poop: You banned her?
Jeff Macolino: Oh yeah, she's out.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, this one's gonna be good. So jeff, from now on if people get in and chat, just ban them so we don't have anybody watching. I mean it's just…
Jeff Macolino: I'll just start harassing them.
Mr. Dog Poop: We'll just keep upping the thing. Next week we'll be doing wagwa on some fancy device or something, right? And and we'll just keep upping it and upping it trying to get people and you just keep banning them.
Jeff Macolino: You know, the good news is I don't really know how how to ban people because I’m not very smart when it comes to-- I’m just trying to find an emoji to put in the replies to express how I feel about that.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well you're expressing how you feel because maria russo is listening to you.
Jeff Macolino: And there you go and she's wishing she'd be looking at fat Chris right now.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah.
Jeff Macolino: You know what, I can't blame her. He's got that for charisma, man. Oh, I may have burned this one. Let's see.
Mr. Dog Poop: Well I mean, did I make the mistake of making Jeff Macolino my co-host? Should it be fat Chris? No, because he would have eaten everything and then we wouldn't have, by the time we… so this is a patty melt, get under it. I'm going to flip it. Yeah, this isn't bad. This is not bad.
Jeff Macolino: You know what I’m gonna do…
Mr. Dog Poop: Like all the people in the studio are running around right now and they're like I want that, they're like putting-- they got a pool over there about who's gonna get the next sandwich.
Jeff Macolino: I'm gonna lift this up and see if there's any mess here on the desk.
Mr. Dog Poop: I keep wiping it off but you know I think people are…
Jeff Macolino: Not much.
Mr. Dog Poop: It's definitely not a donut maker. Definitely not a donut maker.
Jeff Macolino: Yeah, it's substantially cleaner than… you just have to be smart about the size of your sandwich. It can only take so much, you know. But yeah look at this thing.
Mr. Dog Poop: That looks good. What is that? What's that got on it?
Jeff Macolino: We got turkey ham, pepperoni, and a lot of pepper jack cheese. You can see the nice melts in there.
Mr. Dog Poop: I feel like it needs to be more melted. I feel like you didn't melt it enough.
Jeff Macolino: Oh no look.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, it's vegan cheese, oh it is, okay.
Jeff Macolino: Yeah, that's real cheese, it's burning my finger. And peppers and onions and then everything stayed in the sandwich this time which is—
Mr. Dog Poop: Okay so we got a patty melt here. So is this a successful patty melt? It’s on rye bread, it's cube steak, and it looks good.
Jeff Macolino: It looks damn good to me.
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean I wish I could just zoom it over to you but I know you know this is ready to do a piece of bacon for it for sure this is gonna go to one of my studio staff here. Pretty sure I know who's gonna eat this one. It's not going to be one of the vegans either. Let me take it over to the studio staff.