Mr. Dog Poop: Save it and then put the top on it and save it.
Jeff: Yeah. Cause it wasn't dripping when I did close this. It seems like it actually sealed closed.
Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. The beer stayed in there, but it just tasted like you put water in the beer. Still tasted like beer. So, I'm not sure about the urine because I don't really know what urine tastes like. I haven't had a lot of it to drink.
Jeff: Whose urine is it?
Mr. Dog Poop: It's mine.
Jeff: Have you had any asparagus today?
Mr. Dog Poop: No, I haven't had asparagus. It's beer urine.
Jeff: It'll probably taste a lot like beer.
Mr. Dog Poop: It'll probably taste a lot like beer. Oh my God, I'm afraid to do this. I don’t know if this is a good idea. I'm not sure. I don't know what urine tastes like, but I'm pretty sure it tastes like what just came through the straw. Oh. Oh, man. Am I going to go into the poop?
Jeff: I hope so. Here, I'll class it up with a little whiskey before you start drinking.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm doing a blow job to get it cleaned out so I can just get fresh.
Jeff: Alright, let me see if I can hold this high enough so you can see the whiskey.
Mr. Dog Poop: Alright, I'm going to do it. I'm afraid to drink the blood though.
Jeff: Yeah, I would not drink someone else's blood. You might get a flag for like vampiring or something.
Mr. Dog Poop: Vampirsm or something.
Jeff: Is that a verb? Vampiring?
Mr. Dog Poop: Well, I'm not drinking the blood. I'm drinking the Life Straw. So, if anybody's going to get banned, Life Straws should get banned from YouTube if blood comes up. Does it taste like whiskey. Tastes like water down whiskey.
Jeff: I'm just getting plastic taste in the top of my mouth.
Mr. Dog Poop: There is a lot of plastic taste for something that takes out microplastics and things that don't have microplastics.
Jeff: Oh my God. I can't even get the taste of whiskey in here.
Mr. Dog Poop: It doesn't taste like whiskey?
Jeff: No. I'm not sucking hard enough.
Mr. Dog Poop: Come on. Suck. Suck Jeff. Suck.
Jeff: I found a life hack. Put it upside down, it just flows into your mouth.
Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, it just flows into your mouth. Now did it taste like whiskey?
Jeff: Yeah, with a hint of plastic mixer.
Mr. Dog Poop: I feel like that's what it is. We're not doing a scientific experiment here. Right? We can't really say whether this is working, but both of us agree, it tastes like plastic. And I got two. I mean, the urine was not; that wasn't good.
Jeff: You're kidding. It wasn't good?
Mr. Dog Poop: Wasn't good.
Jeff: Breaking news. Hot piss does not taste good.
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, which in your opinion, which is safer blood or poop?
Jeff: Who's poop is it?
Mr. Dog Poop: It's dog poop, man. It's dog poop. It's can of poop. Oh, it's can of poop. I mean, it's can of poop leftover from our Black Friday sale. We sold most of the cans of poop, but we had a couple left over, so I figured, hey, let's do it. I said I was going to do it. I just don't know, Jeff. I'm looking at this poop. I'm smelling this poop. You want me to do the poop?
Jeff: Oh yeah. You are Mr. Dog Poop.
Mr. Dog Poop: I am Mr. Dog Poop. If anybody's going to drink poop, that's Mr. Dog Poop.
Jeff: No. I'm going to ask Fat Chris to clip it and send it to me.
Mr. Dog Poop: We'll get a community strike and we'll be offline.
Jeff: Only if you waste too much beer in the vomit.
Mr. Dog Poop: I'm pretty sure drinking poop isn't illegal on YouTube through a Life Straw. I mean, the Life Straw says you can do it.
Jeff: I don't know if it specifically says that you can drink dog shit. I haven't read the manual.