Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories Page-4

Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories

Page Number:4

Jeff: I brought it up.

Mr. Dog Poop: Going to stay with us, Glen.

Glen: Well, I'm going to stay with you as long as I can, but it's getting cold out here and I need to get my beer and get revved Up. 

Mr. Dog Poop: I  don't understand why you didn't bring a beer with you One, it's illegal to be on our show without drinking a beer. Two, you have to be like one of those professional, we're trying to run a professional news show, you have to be like, one of those professional correspondence that's standing out there in the war zone for hours and there's bombs going off in the back and everything and, deal with it.

Jeff: Have someone hit you with a hair dryer and act like you're getting blown away. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah Take a hair dryer out there and

Glen: I don't need to do that. It's, good stuff out here. As you see the wind's picking up a little bit. You can't tell behind me.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, we can see the snow coming down now. on the traffic cam, it looks really bad. I mean, it's blizzard conditions.

Glen: Yes It is bad.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're protected by trees and houses. You're like in a covered area there.

Glen: Well, it is bad. I mean, it's like Ron DeSantos put out an alert with our county and it's a a death out here right now. I mean, people are walking and getting lost and Yeah you'll die. So it's a stay at home and drink beer, light the fireplace. That's what's happened. I Hope you're getting 

Mr. Dog Poop: Chimney's probably full of snow. So

Glen: Yeah, that'll melt, hopefully you're getting some good comments here.

Mr. Dog Poop: Let's talk about Ron. DeSantis, the dictator of Florida. The eight off DeSantis. Oh, Juan Mussolini DeSantis. The fascist dictator of Florida.

Glen: Hey, Mr. Poop I'm getting hypothermia so I'm going to send it back to you in the studio and then I'll see if I can get back in or be in the chat There. 

Mr. Dog Poop: All right.

Jeff: Yeah you might enjoy something stronger than beer. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Don't, don't die, Glen. Don't die.

Glen: No. Not going to happen-- 

Jeff: If you do make sure you record it. 

Glen: I will. Everything will be on record. 

Jeff: Everything's content. .

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. If you are going to die, make sure. Yeah. Make sure you're on live.

Jeff: So Mans show Live is exclusive.

Glen: Enjoy. Guys, I I'll build you a man show, snowman tomorrow. 

Mr. Dog Poop: That'd be great. 

Glen: And then you can use that as your mascot.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're going to talk about Jenna Ortega tomorrow. What? She plays Wednesday on Adam's family. So can you build like a little Wednesday snow man?

Glen: I could. I can build the whole family. 

Mr. Dog Poop: You build the whole family all right.

Glen: All right guys.

Jeff: Stay warm Glen. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Getting back to Ron DeSantis. Jeff's favorite person in Florida. Ron. DeSantis. He performed a Coup d'état of a corporation by taking over Disney. Now I know you like Disney and how they operate their trains, but they no longer own their own company. Now, Ron DeSantis has assigned a board of his people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Donald Trump, those people to oversee Disney. They now run Disney. It's now a state run entity.

Jeff: I feel like that can't be true.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's true. It is true, it’s right here. It's in his apparently he's got a new book that says I forgot what they were saying, but they're basically saying--

Jeff: So Ron DeSantis is now making the Marvel movies, basically. Is that what you're saying?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yep. He's in charge of them. He's probably going to dress up. Did you see the Trump NFTs? Where Trump was dressed up as all these Superman and everything that's going to be DeSantis next, because now he controls Disney. So if you go to Disney, there's probably going to be like a Ron DeSantis statue in the front there instead of Mickey Mouse. You'll see.