Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories Page-5

Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories

Page Number:5

Jeff: We'll keep our eyes out on that. By the way, I think his biggest enemy in the world right now, other than Mr. Dog poop, is Donald Trump. So you gotta pick or choose, man. I mean, I don't like either one of them personally, but I like Desantis better than Trump .

Mr. Dog Poop: So he just put out a book. It's like Courage under Fire or something. I don't know what it his, he's got a book. He's go running for president, put a new book out talking about don't be afraid to be a dictator. And then, we got, we got stuff going on here in Florida. We've got a bill because Ron DeSantis created this anti woke bill, which basically means that you can't have black people, black history, gay people, transgender, can't have any of them in Florida. It's true. You can say whatever you want But you're wrong. You're wrong, Jeff. And then

Jeff: I'm not wrong.

Mr. Dog Poop: Listen to me Jeff.

Jeff: You're shouting false news to our people.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's not fake news. This is Ron DeSantis news

Jeff: Ron DeSantis Bland banned a black history course that had focus on transgender studies Nor do they want it to have anything to do with black history.

Mr. Dog Poop: 7,221 math books were banned because they had instances of black people in the math books. That's a fact. Go look it up on Google. Go look it up on truth, social, whatever you want. That's a fact. He's banning everything. All right. So now they're introducing bills.

Jeff: This is the worst bit ever.

Mr. Dog Poop: Because you don't believe it,

Jeff: Because it's no way it's true[Inaudible24:59 ] banned 7,221 math books. Cause they made reference to black people.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah.

Jeff: There's no way that's posible.

Mr. Dog Poop: This was the explanation. If you have an instance of a black person in a math problem, it makes white people feel like they're inferior. And that's CRT. It's CRT can't have CRT CRT is a illegal in Florida

Jeff: Well, yeah, CRT should be illegal in Florida. I don't want my kids learning that. White people are evil. You don't pick your skin color at birth. 

Mr. Dog Poop: White People are evil. They don't teach you that White people are evil the history. So, I mean, you call,

Jeff: I'd never consider myself white. Other people consider me white. 

Mr. Dog Poop: You call it what you want. I call it racist, but, whatever. So,

Jeff: Yeah. So critical race theory is incredibly racist. I agree with you, but I don't know if that's what you were saying.

Mr. Dog Poop: I'm saying that Ron DeSantis doesn't want any black history taught in Florida.

Jeff: And most of the textbooks that were disallowed were, cause they just rebranded Common Core. I'm looking at an article right now from the USA Today, which is not a right wing industry. Common Core was a failure. And most of the ones rejected. It says right here, there were some for C R T, but I'll, I'll look more into that. I'm not sure how you mix CRT How do you mix critical race theory in the math? How does that teach anyone Math? 

Mr. Dog Poop: This is, this is what everybody, this is what the publishers were asking, right? How are you banning our books for CRT? It was kind of a money laundering scam. So some of the publishers were feeding money to DeSantis campaign and some of them weren't. And those books weren't getting banned. there's a lot of evidence of this, but, We gotta move onto what's, we--

Jeff: Pop headlines that I don't have any clue about that are ridiculous. And one out of seven might be true, but I'm not going to have time to actually fact I was talking to a friend.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's what I'm counting on Jeff. That's what I'm counting on. You're not prepared for this

Jeff: Because I don't Yeah, no, of course not. I don't, watch the news. 

Mr. Dog Poop: I got the news stories right here.