Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories Page-6

Uber Eats, Drunk Jeff and Florida Man Stories

Page Number:6

Jeff: Yeah, you got printouts of stupid things off the internet. You got Luke Skywalker's tweets saying that books that are required reading are banned probably. There's so much  misinformation out there.

Mr. Dog Poop: We have all, we have all the misinformation and the information and and we also have Jeff mcalino Let me finish my,

Jeff: Men don't  like disinformation. We like women, we like boobs. We like booze. Not disinformation. The man show, not the his guy makes me mad show.

Mr. Dog Poop: Desantis cuts off your dick and you can't use it anymore. 

Jeff: I'm not gay so I get to keep my dick. 

Mr. Dog Poop: Then you're going to agree with me because this guy is a crazy dictator. He want to castrate every man so that he doesn't have any competition in the state.

Jeff: I mean, that might be the most believable one you've said so far. Look, I think DeSantis is a bit of a dictator. I do, I really, really do. 

Mr. Dog Poop: A bit of a Dictator?

Jeff:  Yes. But, but the problem is, this is the Trump derangement syndrome that's now being passed along to Ron DeSantis says, there are so many lies and Bs things going out that it's like, but you've gotta attack him on the things he's actually wrong about. You can't attack him on all these things that are proven to be fake. Because then you defeat the purpose and you drive these dumb--

Mr. Dog Poop: I live in Florida. I live in Florida, I see this every day. He was down the street talking about these issues. Anyway, Florida Center. So we got now a bill for the Reverse Woke Act. because he created the woke act, which you don't believe in. You don't believe that he signed it, but he did the woke act. So this is the reverse woke act. Now where transgenders, this is great. If you transition, the employer has to pay for it. So now the reverse woke act is that if you-- reverse woke act bill, if you go from a, from transgender back to your original gender, your employer has to pay for it. Lemme explain this in, in terms you can understand.

Jeff: I understand 100%

Mr. Dog Poop: You want to be a girl and you cut your penis off with a knife.

Jeff: And Mr. Dog poop pays for

Mr. Dog Poop: Apparently, and then if you want to go back to being a man, if they sew it back on now the employers are going to have to pay for it. 

Jeff: It's not  going to work when you sew it back on? What?

Mr. Dog Poop: How do you know? Have you ever done it?

Jeff: No, no That's true. I never

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff Macino admitting he doesn't know  what he is talking about.

Jeff: I've never cut My dick off and sewn it back on .

Mr. Dog Poop: He doesn't know what he's talking about. 

Jeff: Well, well, in fairness, I don't remember doing it. and the batting average is is not great down there. a lot of this--

Mr. Dog Poop: Do you have to hide all your knives in your house at night, lock 'em up or something.

Jeff: There's no sharp objects allowed in the Macalino household, .

Mr. Dog Poop: So we got China, China's becoming a problem here. They're going to finance the Russian War. They're going to give them weapons, nuclear weapons, everything. And Biden just, he doesn't know what to do. Biden is just lost. I mea he's just not managing.

Jeff: In fairness to Joe Biden, this is elder abuse. I truly think this is elder abuse. What is being done to him? He doesn't know what's going on. And I legitimately, I never liked him when he was lucid, but he's clearly compromised mentally. No. Like he, oh you think he is lucid? You don't think he's senile?

Mr. Dog Poop: I don't know. We've had a lot of senile presidents like Ronald Reagan, who was completely senile when he left office.

Jeff:  that was before I was born, so I couldn't tell. that I can't really argue either way.