Mr. Dog Poop: He's definitely not a great brand. I mean, he's literally talking about getting rid the Military.
Jeff: Well, he's a most famous man on the planet. So from a marketing perspective, he's successful. The problem is, what he just said was nonsense. What he you said was complete nonsense. He's just spitting out words to try get people like me to buy in but I'm not stupid.
Mr. Dog Poop:, We took a few seconds out of his 90 minute speech. He just keeps rambling on about everything. His, his ratings and this and that.
Jeff: He also said, I want to get rid of war mongers while I'm going to try to destroy the, the second or third biggest country in the world. think about kind of the, the, the what, what he's saying. I want to get rid of war mongers, but I really want China to try to go to war with us.
Mr. Dog Poop: So I don't know what you're considering the second or third biggest country in the world. China, China is one sixth of the world's population. I mean, they are the largest.
Jeff: Oh, no. I mean, I mean combination of military, e economy, all that kind of stuff. The, the United States could defeat the entire, I mean, the entire globe, in a military war. China's military is not nearly on par with ours. They couldn't have a war with us. They could screw with us economically, which they do. Again, I'm not saying that it's not, they're not bad. I'm just saying like, do we need a World War? I know Biden wants a World War with Russia. Trump wants a world war with China. I'm not really sure why there's such--
Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, we need Ron DeSantis for president, who just doesn't care about world politics, and he just wants to take over the country and all the corporations. So, Trump was a horrible person and he tweeted against everything.
Jeff: Where did Ron DeSantis touch you? Show me on the doll.
Mr. Dog Poop: So Trump was a horrible person. He tried to take down all these companies. He tweeted that he was going to destroy Northrop Grumman, that he was going to take contracts away from Lockheed. These companies had to spend all this money on damage control. And, Trump was affecting their stock prices, but he never took over a company. Ron DeSantis is the mayor of Florida, and he's taken over a company. When he's president, he's going to extend that to Disney.
Jeff: Wait. If he runs Disney, can he get me a role on a Marvel movie?
Mr. Dog Poop: He might be able to.
Jeff:All right, well then I'm never going to say no.
Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to have to defend him.
Jeff: He's a saint. I believe we should have bronze statues of him on every street corner. And I would like to play, get rid of Mark Ruffalo. He's a liberal pu**y. I'll, play Bruce Banner. Like, you pull me in from another dimension. I'd make a good hulk.
Mr. Dog Poop: You want to play hulk? Or Bruce Banner
Jeff: I'll be you either one. Just pay me millions of dollars to VFX or whatever. Cgi, my whole body, so I don't have to do anything. And I'll grunt and groan. I mean, I do that a lot, just walking up and down the stairs. So I feel like I could transfer that energy.
Mr. Dog Poop: I had some more some more Trump . Let's, let's get off of Trump and Biden for a minute. And the Crazy Wars. Oh, yeah. I do have a story here about the war in Ukraine.
Jeff: Oh, boy.
Mr. Dog Poop: If I can find it. Oh look at this one. This is pretty good, but yeah, I'm trying to gimme a second here.
Jeff: I'll say this while you're, while you're doing that, look at the headlines. Before the Russia War with Ukraine began they were all talking about the Nazi problem in the Ukraine and how it's scary, how they're becoming fascists. And now we're all supposed to love them. Just saying.