Wednesday Addams Jeana Ortega & Christina Ricci Page-2

Wednesday Addams Jeana Ortega & Christina Ricci

Page Number:2

Glen: I'm even teaching them how to piss on the icicles. So, don't lick those either.

Mr. Dog Poop: You know what? It's crazy because of your misfortune. You can't even find your car. I wish you could get into the parking lot. You're going to have to get a remote cord on that phone.

Glen: Yeah. I don't know why it's not. I mean, I'm on 5G and everything, and maybe it's just Zoom.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're going to have to increase our budget for the remote correspondence.

Glen: Yeah. I don't know what any of this stuff does here. You know, it's been a while since I've been back. Since you got me kicked off two years ago.

Mr. Dog Poop: You promised yesterday you were going to build up a Wednesday snowman.

Glean: That's it.

Mr. Dog Poop: We're talking about Wednesday Adams today. That's it?

Glen: That’s it right there.

Mr. Dog Poop: The Coors beer in the snowbank.

Glen: It's the Adams family. Right? So, this is the blob.

Mr. Dog Poop: That’s not the blob. The Adams family is a family of immigrants.

Glen: That's the best I come up with. It's just powder snow. So, it's not the best building. Because as that is, I can't advertise what it is. It's just a beer. Maybe I'll turn it around. It's a brown bottle.

Mr. Dog Poop: We used to have labels on the beers, but the beer companies called us up and said they don't want to be associated with us. So, we had to start drinking out of glasses.

Glen: That just means we have sponsorship available.

Mr. Dog Poop: Sponsorship available 1 million a minute. Same as a Super Bowl commercial. Well worth it.

Glen: Yeah. The icicle maintained for Jeff's cocktails and his whiskey or whatever.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's glacial.

Glen: That's about five, 600 pounds right there.

Mr. Dog Poop: I think you should break that down. Melt it down and bottle it, and then sell that as Tahoe ice water.

Glen: I can do that. You know, 5.99 a bottle. Keep Tahoe blue, right?

Mr. Dog Poop: I mean, Jeff Newsom is probably going to give you a problem because that water is not going to melt down, go to Los Angeles and the rest of the state because you're bottling it before it melts.

Glen: Yeah, no, I think DeSantos has his number on it. He wants the water for alligators and crocodiles or whatever.

Mr. Dog Poop: Another story. DeSanto's another story.

Glen: This is what's happening.

Jeff: Our gators, maybe they'll go eat some Californians.

Glen: Yeah, well, this is what's happening out here, so I can pass it back to you in the studio and see if I can bounce back in later on or something.

Mr. Dog Poop: Hey, thanks for the report. If you have anything else to add Zoom back in.

Glen: It's cold. It is cold. It's like 16 degrees here right now. And the freaking wind is blowing.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's like 97. It's like 97 degrees down here.

Glen: That beer is probably stuck in there by now.

Mr. Dog Poop: That's probably frozen.

Glen: Yeah. Okay. Well, back to you and Jeff in the studio, man. It's nice and warm in there. I'm freezing my ass off.

Jeff: My air conditioning is on.

Glen: That's terrible. That's terrible. I'm going to hang up, but this on location is bullshit. I want to go on location in Florida or something, man.

Mr. Dog Poop: Your next location's going to be Southern California. Oh, it's snowing there too, so forget it.

Glen: Yeah. And that's it. I'm done. California's over. I'll go to Palm Springs next.

Mr. Dog Poop: All right. We'll see you tomorrow. Okay. Palm Springs.

Jeff: Hey. Got a great comment and some breaking news in the comments as well. TrucksR4Me points out that all of the California alligators are in fact vegan. So, no luck with my plan. And Jay Frog has said he'll brew the Man Show beer if you guys will drink it. Full disclosure, I have no idea how to brew beer.