Wednesday Addams Jeana Ortega & Christina Ricci Page-3

Wednesday Addams Jeana Ortega & Christina Ricci

Page Number:3

Mr. Dog Poop: But yeah. I mean, as long as we don't have to pay for it, we'll drink it.

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. We'll drink. Well, we'll take a sip and see if we'll take the rest. If you don't know what you're doing,

Mr. Dog Poop: Jeff, by the time you get to the Man Show, you're not going to even know if it's good or bad.

Jeff: Probably not. Because I'm usually a handful of whiskeys in.

Mr. Dog Poop: We'll just do the Man Show later. We'll do the Man Show at night. We should do the Man Show one night when late. But we'll turn the camera on, and you won't even know. We'll get one of those new cameras that follow you around the house. So, we'll get one of those and it'll just follow you and we'll do the Man Show.

Jeff: Yeah. I mean, you could just send like a documentary crew over to the house and just, I don't even know.

Mr. Dog Poop: You wouldn't even notice. You wouldn't even notice.

Jeff: I'll be talking to you thinking, am I imagining this?

Mr. Dog Poop: All right. So, we know it's snowing in California. The weather's going crazy from the China balloon. And you know, this guy keeps coming up every day. Buddy. Pete Buttigieg crashed another train. He did it in Greece. Pete Buttigieg, they're investing in Greece.

Jeff: The country?

Mr. Dog Poop: The country of Greece.

Jeff: I think there might have been one in Florida too, actually.

Mr. Dog Poop: Oh, well, I haven't looked at the news in a couple minutes.

Jeff: That's how the trains are going nowadays.

Mr. Dog Poop: It's in the mountains of Greece and they're screaming and yelling. Pete Buttigieg.

Jeff: I'm not calling for more federal oversight, especially not a Greece's railroad tracks.

Mr. Dog Poop: They put like olive oil on the tracks or something?

Jeff: Well, you know, it's becoming so much to the point now, I'm going to have to actually take time to look into the issue.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to look into something.

Jeff: Yeah. It won't fix anything.

Mr. Dog Poop: You're going to be an informed person.

Jeff: Yeah. I say you can, you guys, stop crashing trains. I don't want to know about this. Stop. Don't make me interested.

Mr. Dog Poop: I really like Pete Buttigieg. But if this is going to keep happening, he's going to have to go.

Jeff: Well, he crashes some in other countries. I guess it would be not as bad. I don't know.

Mr. Dog Poop: Well, you know what? Biden rode a train into Ukraine, and it's a good thing that Pete Buttigieg wasn't on that train crashing that train. That would've been bad.

Jeff: That's true.

Mr. Dog Poop: The Biden train.

Jeff: I bet they made sure those tracks were straight.

Mr. Dog Poop: 10 hours, straight tracks, no problems in a war zone. Pete Buttigieg wasn't there.

Jeff: TrucksR4Me says we'll need to use the Life Straws to drink Jay Frog's beer. Our Life Straws are in the trash.

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, they didn't make it. They didn't suck up poop. They didn't suck up anything. I don't think that would save us from Jay Frog's beer, I don't think.

Jeff: No, but I'll give anything a try once except for needles and gay sex.

Mr. Dog Poop: So, they want to ban TikTok now. I guess, they've been watching our show.

Jeff: They've been listening to you.

Mr. Dog Poop: They've been listening to me. This is always what happens. You know, we talk about it, and then they create legislation. So, they had a hearing today, and they want to ban TikTok and China doesn't want that to happen. So TikTok came back, and they said they're going to limit users to one hour of screen time, underage users.

Jeff: Underage users?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah, but you can click on a thing that disables it.

Jeff: The kids can?

Mr. Dog Poop: Yeah. So, it's going to be one hour. It's going to be one hour unless you click on the thing to say, I don't want it to be one hour.